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  1. sharkfever


    Thanks for the info. mate :)
  2. sharkfever


    Thanks alot for the info, So if ammonia is present in the bag when the fish arrives, i wont be risking its health by adding water from my tank?
  3. sharkfever


    Thanks :) so the best way is to acclimitise it slowly, by drip, even if ammonia is pesent? am i right? sry im asking all these questions, but i don't want to loose such a fish due to bad acclimation. :)
  4. sharkfever


    Thanks for your reply, would it help to add, something that removes ammonia like seachem prime? if ammonia is present. David
  5. sharkfever


    Hello, Id like to ask you guys a question regarding acclimation of newly aquired fish. My supplier gets fish from holland and generally the fish stay in the bags for a max of 5 hrs. I usually take the fish straight away, they dont go in the suppliers tank. Well my question is, ive ordered a...