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  1. nerissa

    Mandarin Dragonet...........

    Thanks. Yeah I bought alot of reefpods, so theres no issue about them not having enough food. I just put it in the small tank because there are so many copods and I was scared that it would die in the middle of the night. But i'm going to give it a chance it's color looks a little better and...
  2. nerissa

    Mandarin Dragonet...........

    Its not starving to death now. I just put in in the 20g. Thats all that is in it is copods. Thousands of them. Thats where I feed the larger tank from. He's doing a little better in there. The other two still in the big tank are doing fabulous. Nice and fat they eat all day. There are...
  3. nerissa

    Mandarin Dragonet...........

    The first tank is 6 months old and 35 gallons. Filter no refugium. I have other fish which are difficult and are doing great. Not sure how old the fish is, hes about 2inches long. I put him in my 20 gallon tank, which has rock work and I keep the copods in so they are everywhere. It is ran...
  4. nerissa

    Mandarin Dragonet...........

    I have 2 spotted mandarin's and one green mandarin. The two spotted are doing fabulous. They have plenty of copods and rockwork. The Green Mandarin doesn't seem to be eating and looks very thin. I've had them for about a month and this is just now happening. Anything I can do??
  5. nerissa

    Help! Acclimation!

    If your fish have been acclimating for 3 hours and they are alive but still on their sides and don't look very good, how much longer should I leave them for? Are they hopeless?
  6. nerissa

    How many fish can I have in a corner 35g tank?

    I have 3 small fish, percula and 2 damsels. and 2 medium fish, yellow tang, powder blue tang so far.