Search results

  1. reefkenny

    New 100 gallon Tank set up

    I think I will go with a 150 then, I will buy a bigger tank to add as a sump. It will take me a couple of months but in the long run my fish will be happier. I have always wanted a clown hosting an anemone in my tank but am afraid with the angel in the tank and lighting prices. I want large...
  2. reefkenny

    New 100 gallon Tank set up

    I currently have a 40 breeder, I just bought a juvenile Emperor Angel and I know I need to upgrade within a year. I am really stuck between a 100g or 150g but it will depend on the situation. I am going to turn my 40 breeder into a hospital tank and us my old 30g tall for a sump. I have a API...
  3. reefkenny

    Reef setup

    Hello, I have been in the hobby for about 2 years. I currently just upgraded my 30 gallon tall marine tank with a 40 breeder. I spent some time putting this tank together, I have: Coralife 36inch T5HO 1-10000k and 1-Actinic 78 watts total wattage 50 pounds live sand (10 pounds from old tank to...