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  1. breezygyrl

    Amonia/Nitrite readings

    ok so a mixture of plants and RO?? some suggestions for good plants, RO is just distilled water i assume... (smile) so very new to all this..:) Thanks everyone for your inputs, means a lot..
  2. breezygyrl

    Amonia/Nitrite readings

    so now that i already filled the tank with tap water... how do i help out the booboo i made then, is there something i can do to avoid the algea or harmful stuff to come...
  3. breezygyrl

    Some Tank Pics

    that is beautiful. i hope in time mine looks so nice
  4. breezygyrl

    Amonia/Nitrite readings

    thanks so much fo rthe imput smokey. I guess addind snails already was a bad idea then huh? there is also a damsel that tagged along in the move, poor guys been threw hell..:)
  5. breezygyrl

    Wet/Dry filtration system

    The tank i have just set up has a wet/dry filter, i think its called that.. Is there any way i can prevent an overflow in an emergency situation like power outage or kid umplugging thanks
  6. breezygyrl

    Amonia/Nitrite readings

    I have a 55 gal tank that was previously set up just relocated to my home. We managed to reuse about 25 gallons of the original water and i filled it the rest of the way today mixing 1 cup salt to 2 1/2 gal of water. I tested my amonia level and it reads .25, which i was suprised that it was so...
  7. breezygyrl

    new tank info

    what are the best fish to put in to test the set up. or to help stabalize.