Search results

  1. charlie lisanti

    Arrow Crab compatibility

    Thanks for the feedback. One last question: What is a "small" fish? All of my fish are over around an inch to an inch and a half (is that small?). Just thought of another question. What do I feed the brab? Thanks, Charlie.
  2. charlie lisanti

    Cycling with damsels?

    I used green chromis to cycle my tank. They are part of the damsel family. They are also a hardy fish that can take extereme water conditions. I lost one of four. The one I lost was because the fish would not eat. He lasted a week without taking a bite of food. The reason I like the green...
  3. charlie lisanti

    Arrow Crab compatibility

    Hello, I purchased an Arrow Crab the other night for my 46 G bowfront. I have a Pygmy Cherub Angel, a clown, and three green chromis. All the fish are about an inch and a half long, so they are not the smallest fish around. I decided that I really liked the crab a couple of weeks ago, and did a...
  4. charlie lisanti

    Grounding an Aquarium

    Thanks for the info. The one place that I thought I would be in trouble is the carpet. I did not realize that the aluminum was a bad idea. This is what prompted the whole thing. I purchased a Blue Hippo Tang from the LFS. They had just gotten the fish in a couple of days earlier. It looked...
  5. charlie lisanti

    Grounding an Aquarium

    Hello, Since none of the LFS around here have grounding probes, I made one of my own. It makes sense, but I wanted to know if anybody else has any suggestions. I took an aluminum rode (non-corrosive), and placed it into the aquarium. I wrapped copper wire around the top of the rod, outside of...
  6. charlie lisanti

    Paracanthurus hepatus with a cut.

    Hello, I recently purchased a Paracanthurus hepatus. The fish was in good shape when I got him to my home aquarium (apparently). The fish has been there for about three days. The fish is eating very well. It has been coming to the top for flake food (feeding live, frozen and flake), and spends...
  7. charlie lisanti

    ANY ONE FROM VA-MD area?

    I am in VA, and would be interested. I am in SWVA (VT), and I make some trips to the MD area. Where is it. Thanks.
  8. charlie lisanti

    Stocking a 46 Gallon Dow Front

    :confused: Whats a Dow front anyways. I meant Bow front. Spell Checker would not have helped me there.
  9. charlie lisanti

    Stocking a 46 Gallon Dow Front

    Hello, I have a 46 gallon bow front. So far I have put 3 green chromis, 1 percula clown, and 1 Pygmy Cherub Angel, and 5 Turbo snails. I am looking for one or two more fish for this aquarium. With one of the fish being a "showcase" fish. Something that will stick out. I orginally wanted to get a...
  10. charlie lisanti

    Need Help with Vermiculated Angel.

    Thanks for the help. The fish passed away last night. - Charlie.
  11. charlie lisanti

    How to fix a low pH problem?

    Hello, I did a water test last night, and saw that my pH was a little low (7.8). I also tested my KH, which was low. The test kit explained how to lower your pH, but not how to raise the pH. How should I go about raising my pH? Thanks, Charlie.
  12. charlie lisanti

    Need Help with Vermiculated Angel.

    Any help here? If Vermiculated (or Singapore) Angels are not in your area, I would also appreciate general help on Freightened Angel fish. Would my low pH be causing the problem (7.8)? I am worried that the fish is going to die!
  13. charlie lisanti

    Nature vs Captive Bred

    I am fairly new to the saltwater fish world. I have noticed that some fish can be gotten as either nature Bred (captured) or captive bred. Two examples are certain types of clowns and Regal tangs. I would like to see some discussion on the pros and cons of both. I have heard that captive bred...
  14. charlie lisanti

    Need Help with Vermiculated Angel.

    Hello, I am experiencing a problem with my Vermiculated (Singapore) Angel Fish. The fish has recently recovered from a problem with ich (I did nothing to help). The fish was doing real well, swimming around the tank, and coming out when people were around. The fish was not coming to the top of...