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  1. clown-keeper99

    No mind please

    Pay no mind please
  2. clown-keeper99

    More Fish For Me Tank

    Any pictures....would love to see em'!!!
  3. clown-keeper99

    How is the Fourm???

    This fourm is the first I really became involved in and I feel very rooted here to... sad to see it slip away and fall behind to RC and other fourms....
  4. clown-keeper99

    How is the Fourm???

    How has everyone been? Been a while since I was last on, and it seems like this fourm has slown down. Is there still a good group like Snake, Meowzer, Flower, or BLTD still around? Or have they moved on.... I really looked up to these tanks and their keeps and hope to get back into the swing of...
  5. clown-keeper99

    Compatibility & Quantity

    In less than a year most of those fish will be fully grown........Within 6 months I would find new homes or get a bigger tank.......We all want a bigger tank
  6. clown-keeper99

    Advice on mail order SW fish

    I order from whenever I can but all I have to deal with is the shipping......
  7. clown-keeper99

    Compatibility & Quantity

    I would personaly upgrade to a 180+ gallon tank for a load like that but thats just me......
  8. clown-keeper99

    55gallon Tank Stocking list

    Fish I have: Flameback angel DotDash Butterflyfish 2 Yellowtail Blue damsels I want: Linespot Flasher Wrasse Tribal Blenny Scarlet Pin Stripe Wrasse Invertabrates I have: Skunk Cleaner Shrimp I want: 25 Hermits 25 Snails Blood Shrimp 5 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Dwarf Coral Banded Shrimp Brittle Star...
  9. clown-keeper99

    Blue velvet damsel

    It surprises me that a Damsel died do to stress As for the Hair algae you have phosphates The API test kit doesn't register until .25ppm, at which point things are very bad Turn the lights off for three days and run some GFO
  10. clown-keeper99

    37 Reef Build

    Very nice tank Is that a yellow damsel I see???
  11. clown-keeper99

    And he returns

    I would just like to say that I didn't get rid of my tank and have finaly got it were I want it...... Currently I have 4 fish: Flameback Angel Dot/Dash Butterflyfish x2 Yellowtail Damsels I have a growing collection of corals and now they are actualy growing! Hope to help out and see a comeback...
  12. clown-keeper99

    Stocking 55 gal tank... please help!

    I have kept several dwarf angels and they haven't caused a problem in my soft/LPS reef What I have done is put them in the tank and got them power chowing prepared foods and then slowly introducing corals However I do not recomend that you keep more than one Crabs get kind of a bad rap in the...
  13. clown-keeper99

    Favite trouble

    Well its been 2 days and only minor impruvement has been made does anyone have experiance with favite and can give me a better place to put this thing??? (I know you guys are on.......I see you looking around the corner)
  14. clown-keeper99

    Favite trouble

    (puff puff) whew....I thought my breath stunk or something I put my pumps to run alterantly every 10 minutes I have seen a little improvement in my soft coral and (maybe) some improvement in the Favite
  15. clown-keeper99

    Favite trouble

    Man, these fourms have died since the last time I've been on
  16. clown-keeper99

    Favite trouble

    It was under Halides at the store (not sure on the wattage) and now is under 324 watts of HO fluorescent bulbs My LFS says I may have to much flow for my tank
  17. clown-keeper99

    Favite trouble

    I got a Favite about three weeks ago and its starting to bleach...... All my parameters are good except for pH and Alkalinity which are "acceptable" My parameters are as follows: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate are 0ppm Calcium is 500ppm pH is 7.9-8.4 depending on time of day Alkalinity is...
  18. clown-keeper99

    Trying to avoid disaster

    I upped my Kalk but it still fluctuates from 7.9 to 8.4 every day to much swing IMO
  19. clown-keeper99

    Trying to avoid disaster

    My pH is swining like crazy tested at about 4pm and had it at 7.9..... Upped my kalk consentration to 2tsp per 5 gallons
  20. clown-keeper99

    Trying to avoid disaster

    simple because you need alot of it....