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  1. myerst22

    Anyone ever keep a Flame trunkfish???? Info.?

    Hello all. I have been mulling over what I want to do as far as my next display. I have always wanted to do a "sub-tropical" display. I am thinking of something like the 150 cube and having a dedicated chiller and keep temps in the lower to mids 60"s. One fish, which I have only seen once in...
  2. myerst22

    Tank destroyed!!

    Sorry for your lose. But a note should be made that heat isn't the real killer. It's the rapid change in temp that kills. T
  3. myerst22

    Well Water?

    I have well water and it is fantastic. Very hard and the PH is about 7.9. I do use a Dechlorinator. The fish look great. If you are doing a reef or keeping inverts I would lean towards a RODI. But if you are doing a FO, let it mix and aerate for 24 hours and add a product like Prime you...
  4. myerst22

    Rarest fish /invert you own?

    Okay I'll bite. Here are some of my guys. T Not that rare. But this fuscus is from West Africa. ] Not seen to often ]
  5. myerst22

    Color Variations of Fuscus Triggers

    Anyone know the difference in color of Fuscus Triggers found in different locales. Both juvi and adult colors? Any pics and where they were collected would be great. This Fuscus is a juvi and was caught around West Africa. Thanks T
  6. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    When fish hybridize, that is breed with another species within it's own genus, the main reason is that there isn't enough viable fish within their own species to breed with. So the chances of that happening with a fish that is an aquarium release or a rogue fish is about 1,000,000,000 to one...
  7. myerst22

    Please help!!!! I don't want to mourn a lost

    There are so many things that could be going on with your butterfly. A really good start would be a picture of the fish. Also history. Is the fish eating, being bullied, disease? etc. Why did your naso die? A picture would really help. Ideally remove the fish to a seperate tank and if not...
  8. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    Which one? Definately not a French imperator as these two species don't share the same habitat. T
  9. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    Okay can't help myself!!! By the way if you have questions about what these fish are or anything else, LMK and I will do my best to give you all the details!!! Enjoy!! The first fish is actually my newest angel and have had him for 2 months and absolutely love him. Rarely see them available...
  10. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

  11. myerst22

    Newly Adopted Wrasse.

    Now that I know it is a him, he is in a 180 FOWLR. He eats like a pig!!! He is living currently with a X-mas Island Emperor and Black Tang. A Blue Spot Angel, Foxface, and a Dragon Moray. Also some damsels. T
  12. myerst22

    Newly Adopted Wrasse.

    Hello all. A local fellow -- member is breaking down one of his smaller tanks that had only one fish in it. He was nice enough to give it to me. The only time I have taken care of Halichores Wrasses was when I ran a LFS. So I never had kept one for an extended period of time. I know some...
  13. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    Hey Regina. I think I do have some literature about color morphs in angels and Tangs. I will try and dig it out. As far as the color morphs changing when the fish are kept in captivity. Many believe it is a dietary issue. The color morph is caused by them eating very specific food items...
  14. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    The last picture of that angel will hold that color throughout it's life because it is a hybrid and not a color morph. Also to note is that not all color morph fish change back to their "normal" colors". T
  15. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    Yes Regina you are correct, many of those weird color abberants change when the fish are kept in captivity. Some pictures of fish that changed when they were kept in captivity below. T By the way these are some of my all time favorite fish. Blue Morph Potters that changes back to orange...
  16. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    I would have to take the niger, which is the last picture of the angel. I absolutely love Angels and Rare fish. So this fish is about as good as it gets.... Some more eye candy!! T ]
  17. myerst22

    Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do!!!

    Hello all. As some of you know I am a rare fish junky!!! I constantly search for pics of fish that I have never seem or rarely see and add them to my huge library of pictures. So enjoy!!! Which one would you take if had the chance???!!!! Tim
  18. myerst22

    8" Dragon Moray

    No not me. I believe Chris is scared to put one in his display from conversations we have had previously. I am almost positive the eel pictured above is from the same source that I got mine from. Some pics of him. T
  19. myerst22

    8" Dragon Moray

    Catching small Dragons in certain areas of Japan is restricted. Whereas small Dragons from Hawaii are completely legal, which I know this particular one is from Hawaii. T
  20. myerst22

    New map puffer

    Oh I love Mappa puffers!! They get huge. Though I must disagree a bit about their aggression. They are usually passive but when they act up that mouth can cause serious damage!!! I had a beauty Mappa and this you must take note of!!! **** DO NOT KEEP POWERHEADS IN YOUR DISPLAY!!!! You can...