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  1. beefcake

    What brand of salt do you use?

    I also use Coralife. No reason behind it, I pretty much just bought whatever the store had, but Coralife it was.
  2. beefcake

    Free Coralline update

    I got my corraline today Guy. Thanks a bunch. Was that grape calurpa you sent ? It looked a bit different than my grape but then again it was all wadded up in to a ball. I threw it in the fuge. I gotta admit putting strange water in my tank gave me bad anxiety.
  3. beefcake


    Have your clowns found a host yet ?
  4. beefcake

    Free Coralline update

    Thanks guy for all the goodies! :D
  5. beefcake

    LFS From the other side of the counter

    "Good Pet Store like *****" heh
  6. beefcake

    New lights............New algea? Please respond...

    Get some turbos. If the hair hasen't gotten out of control (inches in length) they'll eat it up.:)
  7. beefcake

    Pics of RO setups

    One thing I might add is that I did have it running directly to my tank upstairs when I was filling it. This made the GPH drop drastically as it had to flow up from the basement to my tank plus it had to run about 50 feet through the tubing to get there. This was horribly slow so I just put it...
  8. beefcake

    Pics of RO setups

    Jacatech: Wow, I just noticed that in the picture it looks awful. It's actually quite white as I recently purchased the unit.
  9. beefcake

    Toadstool leather

    Wow, what a difference a day makes. Its been fully open most of the day. It will close up a bit when my cleaner shrimp walks all over it but then it opens up again. :)
  10. beefcake

    Toadstool leather

    I have PC lighting about 3.5 wpg on my tank. Should be plenty for a toadstool. I was worried that I had too much water flow for it though. Hard to find a place in my tank that has low water flow.
  11. beefcake

    Toadstool leather

    The LFS I bought it from has a display with about 3 huge toadstools and an anenomie in it with about 8 clowns in it all doing great. It's been up for quite some time now. I was hoping for the same results. So far the clowns show no interest in it as it has yet to open up.
  12. beefcake

    Toadstool leather

    I feel better now. :) I love the look of this coral and am hoping to get my pair of false percs to host in it. Other than the toadstool not opening it looks to be in great condition. Thanks guys! Also I have been dosing my tank with iodine once a week, is there anything else I can do for this...
  13. beefcake

    Toadstool leather

    I bought a toadstool leather on Thursday. When I bought it the toadstool was beautifully open with its tentacles waving around. When I got home I made sure to acclimate it for a couple hours and it hasent opened up yet. Is this normal ?
  14. beefcake

    Pics of RO setups

    Here's my setup ......
  15. beefcake

    Some of my pics

    Great looking colt! I hope mine little frag gets that big some day. What kind of lighting do you have in there ? VHO's or did you manage to squeeze some MH in there somehow ??
  16. beefcake

    Green corraline

    I can't stand it. :mad: Grrrrrrr
  17. beefcake

    Green corraline

    I'm starting to see green coraline growth on my live rock. At first I thought it might be the start of some type of algae but it's definately encrusted and not slimey at all. It basically looks like the purple corraline on my live rock but this is green. I have it under power compact lighting...
  18. beefcake

    Fighting Conch?

    I've had him for about 4 days. He dug himself in the sand a bit and moves his eyes around but thats about it. Plenty of food for em heh. I'll probably get rid of him when I get my nassarius snails.
  19. beefcake

    Fighting Conch?

    I have a fighting conch, its about 4" long and hasn't moved more than 1 inch since I've had him. :mad:
  20. beefcake

    first sw tank pics

    Can we get a nice full tank shot ? Looks good so far. You sure your not going too fast putting all that in such a new tank ?