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  1. jschival1

    Any Suggestions on fish for a 29g

    Would a diamond goby and a lawnmower blenny be ok together?? :thinking:
  2. jschival1

    Any Suggestions on fish for a 29g

    Any one have any Ideas for my 29gal w/ about 25lbs of cycled lr and sugar sized substrate/sand. I only have a brittle star and a few snails. Thanks for any opinions and feedback. ***)
  3. jschival1

    Lawnmower Blenny and Diamond Goby???

    I was curious as to keeping a LM blenny and a Diamond Goby in the same tank. My plans are for the DG to sift and maintain the sand and for the LM Blenny to maintain the hair algae. Does anyone know if these are both "jawfish"? I read on this website that I should "Keep only one per tank, and...
  4. jschival1

    Bubbles on live rock???

    I put new bulbs in about three weeks ago. I've just noticed a lot of algae in the past week. I run the temp at about 79 on the heater, but the lights warm the tank to about 82 until they cut off again. Have you ever heard of a phosephate sponge helping this problem out. My buddy said it might...
  5. jschival1

    Bubbles on live rock???

    2 year old tank (moved once 10 months ago) 30 Gal with retro-fit dual 65 watt compact florecents lights on a 6 hours daily cycle, 3/4 watt night LED. Penguin 330 dual bio wheel hang on with new carbon filtration media. Salinity is at 38 (1.028) ppm, pH - 8.3, NH3 - 0ppm, NO2 - 0ppm, NO3 - 5ppm...
  6. jschival1

    Bubbles on live rock???

    :help: Lately I have brown, purple and green algae growing in my tank. I have increased the water quailty, adjusted the lighting time and temp and I still continue to get algae and bubbles. What are the bubbles and what else can I do to prevent all the brown and green algae?
  7. jschival1

    Yellow Box Puffer w/ tiny white stress? spots!

    thank you very much for your time and researching. -Joey
  8. jschival1

    Yellow Box Puffer w/ tiny white stress? spots!

    OK, the ich is gone. I did what was advised on a QT and used some rid ich, now he will not eat. I've verified my waters state, and everything is normal. This is the only fish in the aquarium now, but still seems uncomfortable. His size has decreased and will not blow up like he used to. Slight...
  9. jschival1

    Yellow Box Puffer w/ tiny white stress? spots!

    I just got a small "yellow box puffer" and it now has tiny white spots on it. Is this ich?? Never had it before and was wondering what might have coused this. Any help???
  10. jschival1


    I understand that certain fish (dragonets, gobies, blennies, etc.) feed on live worms and microfauna. What is the best way to determine if liverock is established enough to host these fish to where they will survive and hopefully thrive? Is there a way to produce more microfauna and worm growth...
  11. jschival1

    Brown and Green Algae.

    Any one have any clues or advice on a cause and fix.
  12. jschival1

    selling equipment

    I appreciate you holding it for me, but a friend locally just sold me one. Thanks. Its all p312wr1's if he wants it.
  13. jschival1

    selling equipment

    Do you still have the skimmer for sale. If so I am interested in buying . Whats shipping to 30135? Thanks for response.
  14. jschival1

    Brown and Green Algae.

    Ever since I relocated homes, my tank has never been the same. I now constantly have a reddish brown algae as well as a green algae that haunts my 29 gal. The reddish brown stays on the live rock ad glass walls as the green stays on the sand. I have done a complete chemical test on a biweekly...
  15. jschival1

    New to coral

    :confused: Does anyone have a recommendation for an easy to care for coral for a beginner in the coral dept. I'm working witha 29 gal 130 watt cp 3 bio wheel hang ons. Any assisstance is greatly appreciated. :needhelp:
  16. jschival1

    Algae eating fish

    What kind of fish will help clean up a tank with light hair algae or is hair algae ineatable. I have a 29 gal running for 1 yr 3 mo and can't get rid of my hair algae. I have a humu humu, a flower anemone ,and two snails. Need something that will be comfortable in this set up. Thanks for any...
  17. jschival1

    Hair Algae

    I have a 29 gal tank with a humu humu, flower anemone, and two turbo snails. Two days ago I started developing large amounts of hair algae. What can I do to prevent this from growing all over my live rock and filters. By the way I am using 3 hang-on bio wheel filters with fresh carbon...
  18. jschival1


    I have a 29 gal with 2 65 watt power compacts. Will a small colony of xenias survive?:confused:
  19. jschival1


    My lfs told me it was a sand sifting star. It is tan and brown striped, almost looks like sand camoflage. Iv'e had him for about three months and he did really well until a couple nights ago. He is dead now. His body did crumble after he stopped moving. Any idea what could have caused this...
  20. jschival1


    overnight my starfish has been amputated. He is missing two legs. I have 4 damsels and 2 turbo snails. Could they have EATEN HIM????? Is this unusual:help: