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  1. jcarroll

    New Tessalta Pics

    How on earth do you keep your rocks like that? How big is he? Mine is 3 1/2 feet long, and he puts the rocks wherever he wants them. It cracks me up. The first few days I had him I set the rocks up all nice, with nice caves and stuff. Well, next thing you know, CRASH! He burrowed through...
  2. jcarroll

    Re-starting a 'dead' tank

    As long as you're being patient, I would just let the tank run for a month or so while checking the water parameters, and once you're sure that all your levels are stable, then I'd add something. I moved back to Indiana from Denver a few years ago, and didn't set up my 55 for 7 months. I...
  3. jcarroll

    How long?????

    One time when I was living out in Denver, there was a rolling blackout that lasted 5 hours. I was so nervous! All my fish were fine though. It seems stupid looking back, but I went over about every 15 minutes after the first two hours and kinda splashed around in the water a bit with my arm...
  4. jcarroll

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Here's Max and Elena (both named by my 4 and 5 year old..) SNE is about 14 inches and tesselatta is about 3 1/2 feet.
  5. jcarroll

    Those darned leeches are back on my SNE!

    Any ideas out there??
  6. jcarroll

    Those darned leeches are back on my SNE!

    I know, I feel AWFUL for them! I have used 2 treatments of some medicine called Trifon. The day after I first put it in, the leeches were all gone except for just a few here and there near the tail of the SNE. So, a week later I treated it again (you can add it weekly). Tomorrow it will be...
  7. jcarroll

    Those darned leeches are back on my SNE!

    Okay, so maybe I am going to have to treat the tank a few times before they're ALL the way gone, but I figured it's worth a shot to post a pic of one of these nasty things to see if anyone has any better ideas as to what it is just in case I am wrong...
  8. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    Unfortunately, they just kept multiplying and multiplying! To pull them off it at her worst would've been like plucking my eyebrows after letting them go for 3 years!!!!! She would've had to just lay there for literally hours more than likely. If I had to guess, I would've guess her to have...
  9. jcarroll

    Shark Eggs... advice??

    My advice is easy.....give them to me!!! I have a 180 just screaming for some sharks
  10. jcarroll

    Moray EEL collection for sale

    Well....what can I say.....I figured by now he'd practically want to GIVE those eels away!!! Just joking.....mental note...check dates of posts..check dates of posts....check dates of posts......
  11. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    No kidding! I tried over and over to get a picture with my camera, but the glass has some build up on the inside and my camera wouldn't focus. It wasn't until I already treated the tank that I realized I could take pictures from my phone without it being guys would've...
  12. jcarroll

    Garden eel tank

    I have a tesselatta and a snowflake. I wouldn't put that much sand in there because they move it around and out of their way anyway. I have enough to cover bottom, and then they move it around until some spots are bare tank sometimes. They like to wiggle through it so I can't imagine how...
  13. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    Here are some pictures. If you look at the top of the SFE's body that string thing is the leech. Also, the one of her face if you look up by her nostrils you can see a dark spot. There are a few there again. Before the initial treatment, she had so many worms around her face that she looked...
  14. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    I am pretty sure that the leeches came in on some live rock from my LFS. That's the only thing I can think of.... I bought about 35 pounds worth,and within a few days the leeches became an issue. At first I wasn't sure since the whole system was new, but after doing research, I learned that...
  15. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    Wow, that would be NUTS if my little Max (the tesselatta) turned into a psycho! I hope not, but will keep that in mind. He's so far very tame. I put my hand in the tank and he doesn't come out. Now, I won't get anywhere near the spot where his head happens to be, but I've gone in and...
  16. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    I found some medicine called Trifon that you can treat established tanks with as long as you have no crustaceans or corals. I was amazed with the stuff because after having literally hundreds of leeches on her, the very next morning they were all gone except for just a few on her tail. You use...
  17. jcarroll

    stinkin' cloudy glass!

    And here are the two pals!
  18. jcarroll

    stinkin' cloudy glass!

    Here is my happy snowflake! She must feel so great to be free of those leeches
  19. jcarroll

    stinkin' cloudy glass!

    unfortunately, it's on the inside of the glass.....I'll have to research and see if there's anything I can do possibly during a water change or something. Things are going much better with my tank. Eels are cured and there are pictures of them under the aggressive tank forum. Check them out...
  20. jcarroll

    Is this love???

    Thanks!! No fighting over food yet, but I'm sure they will sometime!! I called my LFS where the snowflake eel was bought and he said he fed her krill and shrimp. I have tried shrimp and scallops so far. She still hasn't eaten, but is much much happier. I'm going to try to cut the shrimp...