this is what gives new people into the hobby a false hope. look at this guy with this 75 gallon tank. this thing is stacked to the max with fish that should be in a 125 plus. how can these fish live like this. here take a look.
thanks took out all the fake coral out today and sprayed it off then soak it in old tank water. that always works for me. I say spring cleaning when we finally had a high of 43 today!!!
i would say a pink tail trigger, they are great i love mine, i have him with little clown fish and doesnt even bother them. He also is very active and fun to watch. i think you would be pleased with a pinktail
nice my mag fox face is about 5-6 inches now. im sure it will take along time for him to grow compare to my 2-3 inch clown trigger who seems to be growing like a weed!
i would say you should be fine, but your blennies and clowns maybe lunch someday down the road. my tank is a 135gallon and i have blue throat pink tail and clown trigger along with two clownfish jewel damsel and yellow tang and mag foxface. i do weekly water changes and feed them a good variety...