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  1. 8x8nhl

    Too Much Light?

    in a 30 gallon tank i thk a 250 watt is extreme ... but have you checked out the 150 watt hqi vipers i think this would suite your tank much better and if you want the clams and anemone and you dont go with mh i would go with vho
  2. 8x8nhl

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    allot of lps with some sps and a few clams
  3. 8x8nhl

    Thb Build begins

    nice i like.... if only i could convince my parents to let me puut all the stuf in my room in the attic and dedicate my room to a fish room... I would go fish crazy
  4. 8x8nhl

    Lighting Suggestions

    i don't think you can find 400 watt lighting on the internet for 200 and under unless u go oddyese or jbj
  5. 8x8nhl

    test kit

    sorry to hear that man but you can get electronic meters for some things like calcium PH Salinity buy i havent seen any for ammonia nitrates or nitrites
  6. 8x8nhl

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    3weeel it wasn't 400 just off thr report card i already had 125 and my dad ows me 120 and we cot our standerdized test grades and report card back
  7. 8x8nhl

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    lol thanks uys looks like im gettin the sterlizer and top off and mabeya wave maker
  8. 8x8nhl

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    lol i accidently put 4000 dolllars insted of 400!
  9. 8x8nhl

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    Hey guys i just got 400 dollars for report card money that is burninga hole on my pocket so i am going to buy some equipment for my tank ( comin in on thursday) its a reef and i was thinking about a uv sterilizer... or a clacium reactor, out topoff etc...... your thoughts
  10. 8x8nhl

    pros/ cons of a uv sterilizer.....

    What are the pros and cons of a uv stelizer I am thinking about getting one for my reef tank coments please
  11. 8x8nhl

    benifits of hqi vs. mongul

    well up
  12. 8x8nhl

    benifits of hqi vs. mongul

    will my ice cap 250 watt mh ballists be able to run both?
  13. 8x8nhl

    benifits of hqi vs. mongul

    Hellow guys i was wondring what the benifits of hqi are of mongul mh's this is the mongul setup i am getting ... sound good to you iam getting 2x250 Watt Electronic Metal Halide Retro Kit System Comes Complete with: IceCap 250watt Electronic Ballast. EVC Tech 250 watt Metal Halide Bulb...
  14. 8x8nhl

    how long to levae lights on???? light cycle ???/ magnetic ballist???

    ok so I have a few questions 1. i have 2x250 watt mh with 2x110 watt vho's both 20k mh with one atnic vho and one 13k vho on my 75 gal i was wondring what the light cycle should be with these ... here is what i cam up with 7-9 vho atnic 9-12 both vho's 12-6 110 watt 13k vho and both mh's on...
  15. 8x8nhl

    is this too much lr?
