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  1. jthomas0385

    People with 48" nova extreme pro's please post your tank pictures :)

    Here they are on my 72 gallon bow front. Hope these help.
  2. jthomas0385

    New Kole Tang

    Mysis shrimp, formula 2 flakes.
  3. jthomas0385

    New Kole Tang

    He has been grazing on the LR a lot, but has not eaten any of the food during feeding time. I have 2 clowns, 1 foxface, and 2 chromies.
  4. jthomas0385

    New Kole Tang

    I bought a new Kole Tang yesterday. I drip acclimated for 3 hours, put him in the tank. He seems to be extremely shy.. Is it normal for him to be so shy?
  5. jthomas0385

    FOWLR tank, less chance for algae problem?

    Is there a much higher chance of having an algae problem in a reef tank? Thank you.
  6. jthomas0385

    Good Diatom eater

    What can I buy that would be a good diatom eater? My foxface does okay, but I need something else. Any specific kind of snail, or crab? Thank you.
  7. jthomas0385

    Eheim wet/dry filter users..Anyone?

    Thank you for taking the time to write all of that, it helps a lot! I have been really happy with the filter thus far, it has only been running though for 7 weeks. Thanks again.
  8. jthomas0385

    Eheim wet/dry filter users..Anyone?

    I was wondering how ofter I should clean this filter. Should I just rinse the media with water? Do I use saltwater or freshwater to rinse the baskets? Thank you!
  9. jthomas0385

    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    I had a CC star for over a year, I gave him away when I was ready to buy an anemone. Anyways, he would always go to the top of the tank when he was ready to feed. I would slip him some krill, and he would be good to go.
  10. jthomas0385

    These are diatoms, right?

    Will that amount of nitrates cause an algae bloom? I had a really bad hair algae problem in my old tank so I'm paranoid it will happen again.
  11. jthomas0385

    These are diatoms, right?

    No not yet, I'm at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 20 nitrate. I was going to wait until my nitrates were at 0 but would it be okay to add some CUC now?
  12. jthomas0385

    These are diatoms, right?

    Glass, sand, and LR.
  13. jthomas0385

    These are diatoms, right?

    I have all of this stuff covering my 6 week old tank. I'm almost positive it's diatoms, but just wanted to be sure. Here are a couple pictures:
  14. jthomas0385

    What Fish Next?

    You could go with a dwarf angel. I like the flame and coral beauty personally.
  15. jthomas0385

    what is this?! (pic)

    Looks like diatom algae to me, which is completely normal for a new tank and will probably last for about 6 months. After that time it will go away on it's own.. Is it also on your sand bed?
  16. jthomas0385

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    I had a coral beauty in my 55 gallon reef and he/she never touched my coral.
  17. jthomas0385

    am i overstocked?

    I think your good also. I wouldn't add anymore, but it sounds good to me.
  18. jthomas0385

    Help with stock list

    I have made threads like this before but I'm still up in the air so maybe some feedback will help me make up my mind. I have a 72 gallon bow front, as of right now I have 3 chromies, foxface, and 2 percula's. I want to add a flame angel, kole tang, six-line wrasse, some kind of gobie or blennie...
  19. jthomas0385

    Refractometer Recalibration

    Will do. Thank you for the help.
  20. jthomas0385

    Refractometer Recalibration

    My refreactometer is about 6 months old. The LFS I bought it from told me it should be recalibrated every 3 months or so.... I think thats what they said anyway.