Very interested......
Would Atlanta be too far for you to drive?
If so, how far towards Alabama would you go?
Do you have any full tank shots?.....sump, stand, etc? If so
Again, VERY interested
I Just replaced cc w/ sand and the water is very cloudy. Is it ok to put the fish back in the cloudy water?
If not will they be ok overnight in about 5gallons w/ heater and powerhead?
do normal stores(walmart, lowes, home depot, etc) have anything you can use for moonlights? LEDs?
Not necessarily for corals but just to make it look nice at night.
Just got my ro/ came with some sort of water input designed to connect directly to pvc by drilling a hole in the side of the pipe but I have metal pipes (plus I live in a apartment).
How do I connect the 1/4 hose to a 15/16 faucet?
Been to home depot and lowes and they had no idea...
I am new at this and just trying to have a small tank for my bedroom w/ a damsel or small clown and live rock. How difficult is it going to be to maintain a 5 gallon nano w/ 5-10 lbs live rock and 1 fish?
I have ro/di and do frequent water changes......along w/ my 29 gallon.
Also, I am very...
Thanks......just what I needed.
Looks like
Am...2.0 ppm
Nitrite...... .50 ppm
Nitrate....10 ppm
Time to put fish in right?......just kidding
How far along is this in the cycle?
I am trying to cycle a 5 gallon nano by using a rotting silverside. Should I change the water during the cycle? Also, should I leave the dead fish in there indefinatly?