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  1. mackeytayl

    pulsing(pom pom) zenia

    could be, but the lights at the lfs were not much more (if at all) and were covered with salt. The lid over the zenia was dirty too, however their tank was very shallow.
  2. mackeytayl

    New Hobbyists

    again, I'm no expert but are you doing regular water changes? If so, what kind of water are you using? Lights too?
  3. mackeytayl

    New Hobbyists

    I'm no expert but I don't think you need to blow air in the tank as long as you have sufficient circulation.
  4. mackeytayl

    Opinions Please

    Looks good. I am assuming that you will have a fowlr. Right?
  5. mackeytayl

    reef tanks???? pros, please help..

    This is how I got started. I was given a 30gal so I read alot (like you) and then put the substrate, curred live rock, distilled water with sea salt, filter, powerhead, and a shrimp in tank. That olone is exciting and gets the ball rolling. I then learned how to test the water and waited for...
  6. mackeytayl

    pulsing(pom pom) zenia

    Placed in tank last night and it immediately came to life, but has not pulsed today even though it has fully extended. Perhaps a little shock?? 29gal lr coralife 96wt 50/50 10,000k/blue(doubles) plenty of circ.