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  1. tomato clown

    The Stages of my tank

    This is where I began to give up and listed all my stuff for sale. The red algae did me in for the longest time no matter what I did it continued to return
  2. tomato clown

    The Stages of my tank

    Figured I'd show the transformation stages of my tank in the past 3 years, All comments are expected and appreciated regardless of negativity. Just realize that at one point I basically gave up and lost all hope. Here we see pictures 3 years ago after 2 weeks w/o power from storms. Pictures are...
  3. tomato clown

    Any Way to Make Light Reflectors?

    Couldn't you simply paint the inside of the canopy with a reflective paint? An easy way to bend the roll flash is to use any straight edge. A few nice 4ft. 2x4's can hold the flash in between them as you press the bend. When you get the flash bent just enough to where you want a crease, tightly...
  4. tomato clown

    Stock question

    blue legs are considdered hermits too? Wow, see I learn something new everyday. I thought the red legs were the "hermit" where the blue legs were more like a scavanger crab that... OK Nevermind, I ovbiously wasn't thinking about this properly for I can't even explain my own thoughts w/o thinking...
  5. tomato clown

    Stock question

    OK So no shrimp and no red legs, that's fine. In the end all I'm really after is a cleanup crew that is going to get the job done day in and day out. I know the 3 Nass. I have now aren't enough and they won't do the bed. I'm perfectly fine with the damsels, that's one reason why I got them.
  6. tomato clown

    Stock question

    lol, So far, no. They wait for the brine or flakes. They aren't aggressive at all from what I've noticed. However last night I did notice something extremely strange. My wife was riding her bike which is close to the tank, and all 5 of these lil buggers would go to that part of the glass and...
  7. tomato clown

    Black Lighting question

    Hrmm.. OK Guys, I'm stuck on stupid here with this uva uvl uvb stuff. In lamens terms should I give it a shot with the coraline algae or would it disrupt the system by providing a source that I don't want? Like I mentioned a few weeks ago I just sat the strip on top of the tank to see how it...
  8. tomato clown

    What the heck is this?

    It kind of resembles a Ropefish Eel. I used to see those all the time in Jersey. We used to hit the camping grounds in the mountains and there was all sorts of stuff in those lakes.
  9. tomato clown

    Reason number 849 to have a QT!!

    Here's one for the list.... #whatever: You buy a fine looking fish and the following day it dies causing a small spike. No I don't have my QT set up yet, but luckilly I still had fresh clean water in my jugs to do a small water change.
  10. tomato clown

    Stock question

    I've 5 damsels in my 36gal. now (1 died) but I'm wondering what kind of inverts. I can place? I'd like to see some shrimp, but being I know little about the damsels diet except for the basics, I figured I'd ask the experts here what else could be possible? I will and DO need a cleanup crew of...
  11. tomato clown

    Misc. stuff for sale..will ship

    Originally Posted by ifirefight PM sent Thanks bro, but the wife said no new tank just yet when I asked her last night. If he's still got it in a month or two I'll still be interested though.
  12. tomato clown

    Misc. stuff for sale..will ship

    Can I possibly get a picture of the 58gal.? also, where in South Fla. are we?
  13. tomato clown

    Black Lighting question

    Actually I don't want to use one at all, I just happenad across a few of my older black light strips and it was just one of those "Hmmm I wonder" moments. I can surely utilize the bars for proper bulbs though which makes for some new plans on a hood design to build. The whole "question" actually...
  14. tomato clown

    Black Lighting question

    Very interesting indeed! I didn't realize that it wouldn't harm anything, I always assumed it would be just too intense for a tank.
  15. tomato clown

    Black Lighting question

    How will a black light affect a tank as a whole? (Fish, corals, etc...) I've honestly never seen this asked and out of curiosity I just had to ask.
  16. tomato clown


    I was always under the impression that the rule of thumb was 2-3in dsb, but it's been a long time.
  17. tomato clown

    A new Beginning

    Originally Posted by salty blues cc sux imo. After so much time with it, then seeing 10+ year established tanks with sand, I've come to agree with you completely. One of the reasons I want to go with a somewhat bigger tank using just a DSB. With the CC I feel almost as if I'm working with a...
  18. tomato clown

    A new Beginning

    Hello everyone, It's been quite a while, but once again I'm back and trying to see what I can accomplish my second time around. As I said it's been a long time and unfortunately I was never able to get that 125gal. set-up and running due to moving into a smaller place. Yes I ended up selling my...
  19. tomato clown

    55 Gallon tank & Pine Stand 4 sale

    If you still have it, I'm close by and may be interested provided I can find a way to move it. You can get me at
  20. tomato clown

    Aiptasia ?

    Inject them each with calcium, This will kill them. Otherwise get a peppermint shrimp.