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  1. jeo

    switching cc to ls

    I wouldn't bother putting the CC in a stocking and all that, your LR has plenty of bacteria on it, proabbly much more than all of the CC combined.
  2. jeo

    5 1/2 setup

    yeah I guess it wouldn't be hard to change your mind and bring it home at least.
  3. jeo

    5 1/2 setup

    Just my personal experience as a college student who brought a nano to college as a first year student: the excitement of being in colege for the first time caused my tank to take a back seat to everything else that was going on. Over the summer I was totally into it but once I got to college...
  4. jeo

    5 1/2 setup

    will this be your first year at college?
  5. jeo

    new refugium for 10

    yeah you just want some in there so the cheato has something to hold onto
  6. jeo

    new refugium for 10

    putting CC in the filter will not really be of much value
  7. jeo

    new refugium for 10

    oh yeah, overflow type teeth would probably make more sense and yeah if you would rather just put lr rubble instead of ls that would be fine. I mean the ls would provide more surface area for bacteria than lr, but then, if you really want sand you should probably just replace your CC with it
  8. jeo

    new refugium for 10

    I think he means something to keep the algae from going up out of the filter and into the tank since the waterflow ill be fairly strong. Some kind of plastic grate like thing would work well (like the green containers that berries come in). I wonder if maybe ls isn't a good idea because of it...
  9. jeo

    new refugium for 10

    its is a good and easy way to add a refugium onto a small tank, especially if you have an extra filter laying around. Looks good!
  10. jeo

    What can I keep in a 75g?

    Originally Posted by ReefRocker So this is my reef-safe fish list: 1xHeniocus 3x Cromis 1xFlame Angel Would that work? adding this to the 4 fish you already have is too many fish. That would be 2 larger fish, 1 medium fish, and 6 smaller fish. You would be ok with 1 large, 1 medium and 4 or 5...
  11. jeo

    lights for a reef

    if you are going to be spending money on corals you night think about spending some money on lights too so you can really enjoy them. Part of the fun is watching them grow and thrive, not just hang in there.
  12. jeo

    The Smallest Reef Safe Fish?

    I think they are neat too, although probably not the smallest (my vote would be clown or neon goby-what is a Trimma goby?), here is mine:
  13. jeo

    My Eclipse 3..*Pics*

    wow your zoos are crazy! :jumping: love them<3
  14. jeo

    Best Nano Tank

    poland spring is not RO/DI but Dasani, for example, is. You jut have to read the label and it will tell you.
  15. jeo

    The Smallest Reef Safe Fish?

    clown gobies are really small, not sure if they are the smallest though. I have seen them about 1" long, I don't think they get a lot bigger.
  16. jeo

    20g long

    yup same fish and that is a good price! h*
  17. jeo

    What can I keep in a 75g?

    Originally Posted by ReefRocker LOL, you make it sound like I need a bigger tank ;) Of course you need a bigger tank! we all do Originally Posted by ReefRocker Then can I have another Golden Head Gobey and 3 Chromis along with the Heniocus? I wouldn't put that many fish in a reef tank. You...
  18. jeo

    20g long

    yeah he behaved like a typical goby and was not very active (thats why i could get good pictures!) and i have not heard of them pairing up ith pistol shrimp. Thats great that you decided to get one though! here is another pic:
  19. jeo

    My New Flame and a few other pics!

    Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy thanx jeo, that is an awesome Ric isnt it. i have ablue one as well, but im going to hav eto move it soon, its positioned weird and opens up kinda hanging. anyway, glad you like them. how big is it?
  20. jeo

    The Devil's Rejects!!

    that is just plain crazy. your fish are out of control.