Search results

  1. xdave

    Sponges by the hundreds!!!! What to do?

    Not a good reason to stop using an lfs. If you don't bring him any in to actually see with his own two eyes, then his conclusion is based on how you desribe them combined with what other people have described in a similar manner turned out to be. Anything identified in this way should be...
  2. xdave

    Can you remove phosphates with a diatom filter?

    You can put whatever you want in it. Keep in mind it will not filter down to the diatom level without the earth in it, you'll basically be using it as a regular canister filter.
  3. xdave

    Dead clown?

    LOL, yeah being a nurse doesn't help much with fish, I'm getting this image of a nurse taking a fishes pulse You wont know the difference until you see one in shock to compare it to. Sometimes they really seem dead. At the warehouse we always started acclimation unless they weren't in one...
  4. xdave

    you're favorite fish

    Royal grammas and pseudo chromis are actually considered highly territorial, not aggressive. They generally act defensive only when something is within a short distance of their spot. My faves: Large angel, Imperator Small angel, Coral beauty Butterfly, Ranfordi (please don't buy these get my...
  5. xdave

    TV series on dvd?

    Alf is on DVD?! sweet. Here lucky, here lucky !!! Now if I could only find that wierd Dinosaur show.
  6. xdave

    Calling all Computer gurus

    Games save in various locations. Search the drive for file name "save" without the quotes. Max Payne saves in My Documents, Half-Life 2 save in it's program folder. Once you find them on the old pc copy the to the media and don't forget where they were. You can also search the web for discussion...
  7. xdave

    Video Card Question

    That will be fine. That card should be very fast on a 19" at almost any resolution.
  8. xdave

    What do you feed your discus?

    They love live mosquito larvae. Put about 12" of nonchlorinated water in a clean dark container at least 18" tall and put it in a constantly shady spot. Don't add any water unless it all evaporates. Just let it get stagnent. If you have any mosquitos in your area you will soon have larvae. They...
  9. xdave

    Don't buy ------- T6 fixture!

    Yeah, they suk. The light output is way lower. The thing that ticks me off is people include the word "t5" in the subject line so they come up in your search. I wonder how many people have ended up buying them because they didn't have their glasses on.
  10. xdave

    Anemone id please.

    They're cheap because the are very abundant and shipped from a much shorter distance. BTW, they kill fish, including clowns that appear to host them.
  11. xdave

    Clown & Haitian

    The anemone will kill the clown. It may take up to a year but it will happen.
  12. xdave

    Clown Feeding Host BTA

    They are actually just keeping the food safe from other fish. that's an unproven but popular theory. If there is no threat to it's food they are unlikely to risk loosing it to the anemone.
  13. xdave

    Coldwater species available?

    The one big equipment consideration is that a chiller costs hundreds of dollars but a heater is around 30 bucks. A smaller consideration, at least $ wise, is lighting ventilation. A comparably easy tank is a room temp one in a stable environment like the basement. At that temp having a surface...
  14. xdave

    I would like to nonimate this as ugliest stand.

    Well now we know how good a tank would have to look for people not to notice that stand.
  15. xdave

    Truth About Coral Banded Shrimp

    This will sound totally wrong but a lot of people have told me that if you keep a pair (not just 2 but an actual boy girl pair) they tend to leave other shrimp alone but a single one will generally be more aggressive.
  16. xdave

    Looking into T5 lighting??? Any Thoughts??

    Here something to consider. If you buy bulbs online, go with the 2 36"ers. Why you ask? 6' bulbs don't ship well. Even if they're insured you still want them when you want them. If you buy them at the lfs, 1 6' is cheaper than 2 36".
  17. xdave

    I'm back!

  18. xdave

    Some eye candies ;)

    Everyone wants to know about your camera, but my question is what kind of lighting setup do you have on that tank? Everything looks exactly how I like it to look. Naturally spectacular.
  19. xdave

    Do you believe in evolution?

  20. xdave

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici Medical literature shows that the appendix is not generally credited with significant function. The appendix is rich in infection-fighting lymphoid cells, suggesting that it might play a role in the immune system. So... "the appendix is not generally...