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  1. cranberry

    210g Things with Stings tank.

    The first guy to go in. He has become one of my favs. I thought he was going to die when I first got him because he was loaded with flukes. After some treatment and food conditioning, he's all better. I'm very pleased because his colouring is exceptional and he would have been difficult to...
  2. cranberry

    210g Things with Stings tank.

    Well, we are currently trying to get a wall divider tank before we move into the new place next month. This is going to be for the medium scorps when it's all done and said. The measurements are 84"L x 24" T and 24" deep. The stand will be around 36" tall. We are still working on equipment and...
  3. cranberry

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    Mine always think it's feeding time when they see me.... so when ever I am in their presence they are all plastered against the glass and very active. But everyone likes something different, and is why you'll never see a clownfish in my tank. A lot of people like them.... I just don't get it.
  4. cranberry

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    I don't agree with the clownfish. I've seen fuzzies slurp them up.
  5. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    It is SO good. I swear.
  6. cranberry

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    Yes, I agree very beautiful... but the mombassae is my personal fav. I don't dip anything in Selcon, but definitely chop some Silversides up and give them a try. If you vary your diet, you'll see him turn into a beautiful adult. An adult fuzzy would eat a clown.
  7. cranberry

    9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.

    The mombassae beats the antennata... LOL. That's gonna be a male. What else are you going to keep with him? Get him on some nice chunky food. If he'll only take mysis from the water column right now, try some PE mysis. It's nice and fatty and will help the little guy grow nice and healthy...
  8. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    I meant "discussion" as in a negative conversation. I was pissed when Greg got a speeding ticket.... he started with "You're gonna be pissed".
  9. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    My house is soooo easy going... there are no rules. We want stew, Greg cooks it. Roast Chicken. I cook it. Teriyaki shark. Greg. French Onion soup. Me. I spent many adult years alone because I wanted it that way. Now I'm married to my best friend. I never have to answer to him or ask permission...
  10. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    Originally Posted by Speg You have no idea. I love being alone and being free to do whatever without answering to whomever...who doesn't want that??? Why get married then?
  11. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    Originally Posted by Speg If you're talking about cooking..... Girls today don't know how to cook. It's not something they learned from their mothers. Just like a lot of guys today don't know how to fix anything because their dads didn't teach them. I cook in the relationship and I do an...
  12. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

  13. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    Originally Posted by Speg I bet you'd even live longer without the stress they bring. But then you'd starve to death...
  14. cranberry

    Annoyed with girls

    No offense, but I would have walked away from that mess as well. If I walked into a new relationship and all that drama was flying around, true or not, you would be headed for the door. Maybe that doesn't make me the most sensitive person, but IMO, it makes me a smarter one.
  15. cranberry

    Please answer this question then share it with your friends.

    Spring Break... that's the only time Corpus sees traffic... that and when they are trying to vacate for a hurricane. Man I miss Corpus. I wonder if it'll ever stop feeling like home....
  16. cranberry

    Gfi adapters

    There are reports the adapters trip more frequently.
  17. cranberry

    dwarf fuzzy lion

    Originally Posted by Mandolihn what my LFS told me is that once they are on frozen food, u don't want to switch them over if you have concerns about them eating any of your livestock. always do small pieces of food rather than large ones so larger animals don't look like food. fingers crossed...
  18. cranberry

    Lionfish Help

    I'm sure when he gets use to the tank he'll swim around more... until he's older... then he'll slow down again. They also tend to "hang" during the day. I don't believe a tang or grouper belong in a 125g.
  19. cranberry

    fanny mae

    Who was the original lender?