Search results

  1. evilss

    Four Foot Eel

    wow. nice pics.
  2. evilss

    Introduce us to your family

    nice grouper. they like to run up the long distance bills though. becareful. lol
  3. evilss

    Let Me See Yurr Reef Tanks

    nice tanks.
  4. evilss

    off subject.. CORVETTE

    where are you located???
  5. evilss

    4x65 Watt Coralife PC w/legs 4sale in AL

    im bama also intrested. email me dimensions please.
  6. evilss

    My Puffer

    what are you trying to feed him? porky do get stress from time to time but they usually do really good. keep us posted on his progress.
  7. evilss

    New Video of Sharks

    would like to see that.
  8. evilss

    Stars & Stripes Puffer

    all i can say is great fish. they are amazing. i have kept puffers for a while. deffinatly one of my favorites.
  9. evilss

    humu humu's and inverts

    they will be eaten. with all of the triggers that i have kept it takes them a while to start attacking. i have kept them together. you may have to replenish your crab population every once in a while.
  10. evilss

    Help I'm Moving My Tank

    you will be able to do this. people do it all the time. there are a few post on here about people that have done it. do a search for them. good luck.
  11. evilss

    OT- How old is everyone here

    23 here and been into the hobby for a almost 3 years. used to keep fresh water. blah.
  12. evilss

    Live Rock and Bio Balls

    welcome to the boards. i dont how the guys feel here but when i was in california i set up my aggressive tank without bioballs. i got a great deal on some small pieces of live rock so i put that in place of the bioballs. it worked wonderfully for me. my chemicals stayed in good shape. i...
  13. evilss

    Do you guys ever forget the enjoyment

    i used to sit in front of my 135 aggressive for at least 30 min before i went into work everyday. then when i woulsd come home i would lay on my water bed and just enjoy for hours on end. i absolutly love it.
  14. evilss

    Best pix of green clown goby

    cool fish. toddpolish your avatar cracks me up every time i see it. lmao
  15. evilss

    Stupied shark

    sorry for your loss.
  16. evilss

    Where can u buy sharks online?

    good puffer choice. hows the tank going?
  17. evilss

    Good first fish?

    a pair of clown would be awesome.
  18. evilss

    just got a 200 gallon

    you can have as much lr as you want. are you going to be building a reef or fowlr? i say around 3-4 inches on the sand bed as well. to get the full affects of the dsb. i also say if your goin reef then think about a refiguim.
  19. evilss

    Are these pods???

    good job. how long has your tank been set up?
  20. evilss


    good question...... did it???