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  1. bowes813

    Any advise for Decorator Spider Crabs?

    I just bought a 4" decorator crab. I was wondering if there is anything I have to worry about with it besides messing with my rock? What type of fish/ other creatures should I worry about with it? Thanks. Trevor
  2. bowes813

    WTB PC 36" will consider MH

    Looking for 36" power compacts or even Metal Halide fixture. I am located in Orlando, FL. Let me know. Trevor
  3. bowes813

    Just set up my 30g and added fish.

    I want to try breeding false percula clownfish and was looking for some tips. Since I do not have the correct lighting for anemones what are some good alternatives to host clownfish that people have used? I am using a DIY wet dry. The tank also has 3 hermit crabs and 4 turbo snails. What...