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  1. colsanderz

    Feather Dusters

    I just got a feather duster, but I'm unsure how to place it in the tank. For the past few days it's been lying down basically on its side. The feathers come out and it eats, so it's seemingly healthy. Is it supposed to be standing up or leaning on something? It's up on the rocks right now...
  2. colsanderz

    Feather Dusters

    I currently have a sixline wrasse, 2 purple firefish, a fire shrimp, and some hermits and snails. Would any of these not be able to be with feather dusters?
  3. colsanderz

    Brown Bird Wrasse

    I recently got one of these for my tank. She's certainly the most active thing in there and seems ok for the time being. Problem is that I've heard they grow crazy big. I only have a 24 unfortunately. Do they really grow big? The guy at the shop said that if you keep fish in smaller tanks...
  4. colsanderz

    grrrr. stupid nitrates

    Should ideally be lower, like 10 would be safe. Even then, might wanna get a few snails or hermits to tidy up before you get a fish.
  5. colsanderz

    hundreds of them

    Sounds like pods. Good for fish food. No worries there.
  6. colsanderz

    grrrr. stupid nitrates

    By "could I have a fish" do you mean you don't have any yet? Are you at the end of your cycle? Might just take some more waiting. Maybe another water change.
  7. colsanderz

    firefish goby MIA

    I have 2 purple firefish and they basically hide 80% of the day. They hide under a rock in the back of the tank and emerge when they are fed. They might be picking up scraps of food that blow by in your tank. I wouldn't worry after only two days.