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  1. gardenmaster

    ricordia help

    How do you re attach a ric that has come loose from his rock
  2. gardenmaster

    what do copepods look like in the adult stage

    i have white bugs on the glass and 1/4 inch bugs on the rocks but they run fast and hide
  3. gardenmaster

    stock list for a 55g new tank

    i am an old man just learning this hobby to have something to do iappreciate your help
  4. gardenmaster

    stock list for a 55g new tank

    Originally Posted by itom37 Holy lack of punctuation! I'm pretty sure those fish would be fine, provided you've got enough algae for the blenny to eat. were fishing not teaching school
  5. gardenmaster

    stock list for a 55g new tank

    i would like a 100 fish in a reef tank but i will settle for less i have 1 coral beauty several hermits 1 conch 3 emerils 3 narciauss snails now the hard part can i put 6 line wrasse two percs and a lawnmower bleenie in also
  6. gardenmaster

    need help with algea

    red algea growing in new tank what to do to get rid of it
  7. gardenmaster

    red string algeal

    is this natural in a three week old tank