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  1. cpt flanders

    Opinions on stocking a 260 gallon FOWLR?

    Im still debating on the tank. I am having a hard time figuring out how to transport the water for it. If i do set it up, i will most likely pass on the trigger, and the copperbanded i should have explained that it would be in two or three years at the EARLIEST. Im still debating i do like...
  2. cpt flanders

    265 gallon

    Does the general rule of only two clowns still apply to a 260 gallon aquarium, or in this case is there enough room for mutliple clowns? I would like to get a few perculas
  3. cpt flanders

    Opinions on stocking a 260 gallon FOWLR?

    The original plan was to start with a 75 gallon so that i would have more forgiving tolerances with water quality etc. Well my first marine tank will be a 260 gallon with sump set up and refuguim. I didn't plan on having anything this size, what would you guys stock with if you started a new...
  4. cpt flanders

    Good deal?

    withsome thing this size, can i get an eel or a dogfish without it eating my other fish?
  5. cpt flanders

    Good deal?

    nope, i was planning on doing the shopping and cycling of my 75 at the end of this week. What should i get? Any suggustions for a good water test kit and salinity measure, not a hydrometer the other one, the name escapes me atm.
  6. cpt flanders

    Good deal?

    Is there anything else i am going to need? He also said that it would come with some tangs, a leer tail, snails and crabs that he did not sell off individiaully. Also, what is a leer tail? He is also offering established water, some polyps, mushrooms, and ricordia as well.
  7. cpt flanders

    Good deal?

    he's moving to colorado on monday so the fish were just removed and its still has its water in it. How long will the live rock stay live out of water, and im assuming once i re assemble the set up i have to cycle it again?
  8. cpt flanders

    Good deal?

    I was searching the local craigslist trying to find some discount equipment to get my set up going. I originally planned on doing a 75 gallon FOWLER with only a handful of fish as my first marine aquarium. Well i found this... Live rock(250-300 lbs) 6ft light fixture with new bulbs 265 gallon...
  9. cpt flanders

    Questions about my first marine aquarium

    Apparently i need to do some more research on cycling. I was under the impression that i needed some amount of live rock to introduce the bacteria... organisms... into the ammonia cycle so that it can increase in amount to neutralize the ammonia, as a basic explanation. So can i skip live rock...
  10. cpt flanders

    Questions about my first marine aquarium

    I was wondering about live sand and rock as i was reading your response. Can i grab some of those from the ocean as well? I live in Massachusetts so the enviorment is far from tropical, would that have an impact on the organisms in the sand and rock? I can't believe how expensive live rock is...
  11. cpt flanders

    Questions about my first marine aquarium

    thank you. I have a 75 gallon which i keep a bearded dragon in. I think i will take a serious consideration about moving him into something else and using that tank for this project.
  12. cpt flanders

    Questions about my first marine aquarium

    I am doing my researching and hopefully will begin keeping a marine tank in a few months. I am planning on a 55 gallon set up, and i would like to keep maybe two or four false percula clowns for a substantial time period as my learning period. If i buy only ten or fifteen pounds of live rock...