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  1. acura rsx star

    Algae Explosion in Tank

    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains Nitrates are high! What kind of filtration? Lighting? What kind and how long do you leave them on? When was the last time you changed your bulbs? What is your feeding schedule? Any direct sunlight? What are your other parameters? Water change schedule...
  2. acura rsx star

    Algae Explosion in Tank

    Originally Posted by Flower Sounds like hair algae and maybe the red is red slime (cyanobacteria) Are you using RO (Reverse Osmoss) water? Also most likely you have phosphates and low water flow. Use only good RO water, do water changes and maybe use something to lower phosphates there is...
  3. acura rsx star

    Algae Explosion in Tank

    Hey there! I have a huge problem in my tank. I've got long haired-green algae and this red algae that looks like bubbles ALL over. I took out EVERYTHING about 2 months ago and scrubbed all my rocks as an attempt to take everything off. Now, the algae is blooming all over the place and killing...
  4. acura rsx star

    fish keep dying!

    eek! spoke to soon. I haven't seen the tangs in over a week. There's not even remains of them! So now i'm starting to think it might be a lobster that I have in there? It's not too big, but I heard they're mean! All I have left is: 1 Peppermint shrimp 1 Lobster 1 Golden Maroon clown 1...
  5. acura rsx star

    fish keep dying!

    There's a lot of rocks and they seem to always be feeding off them. I thought tangs ate algae?
  6. acura rsx star

    Second Tank

    It's basically the main system of filtration. It's a seperate tank (about 10 gallons) that would go under the Main tank. I was told that instead of a wet/dry system you can do a refugium filter.. so that's what I'm trying out... Any ideas? Thanks :)
  7. acura rsx star

    Second Tank

    I currentlly have a 55 gal wet/dry tank which is doing great. It is a reef tank and filled with corals. I am looking into setting up my boyfriend's 75 gallon tank with a refugium. The problem is that I have NO idea how to set up a refugium. We have sand, bio balls, and mud. We have a...
  8. acura rsx star

    fish keep dying!

    Well, I hopefully have solved the problem. I had an atlantic anemone who had been there for over a year with a golden marroon clown. I took the anemone to the fish store and now the clown doesn't have anywhere to lure the fish into. When I watched the tank, I realized that the clown would...
  9. acura rsx star

    fish keep dying!

    I have had my 55 gal. tank for about 2 and a half years. I have a golden maroon clown who has been in the tank for about a year and a half, and along with a damsel seemed to be the only survivors no matter what fish I buy. I saw the damsel picking on other fish, so I returned him to the store...
  10. acura rsx star

    Mystery Deaths in Tank

    I have had my 55 gal. tank for about 2 and a half years. I have a golden maroon clown who has been in the tank for about a year and a half, and along with a damsel seemed to be the only survivors no matter what fish I buy. I saw the damsel picking on other fish, so I returned him to the store...
  11. acura rsx star

    Mystery Stuff growing in tank!

    Thank you so much guys! I actually did some research and found that the peppermint shrmp actually eats Aiptasia, so I'm going out to buy one tomorrow! Hopefully that annoying anemone will be eaten up soon! Thank you so much for the quick replies!
  12. acura rsx star

    Mystery Stuff growing in tank!

    Originally Posted by Shrimpi #1 is aiptasia: a pest anemone. It will multiply and sting corals.... and its ugly. Get some joes juice or boiling water and inject that sucker! #2 is a gorgonian.The polyps that are coming out are a way for it to filter feed... kind of like a featherduster. Keep it...
  13. acura rsx star

    Mystery Stuff growing in tank!

    Okay, so after having my tank for a year and a half. After two total wipeouts I think I finally managed to maintain a good ecosystem! All corals are growing (and reproducing) and all fish are healthy! There's also a few things that were not in the tank before that have shown up.. Maybe you...