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  1. jacknjill

    animal planet

    Well i know but its still an interesting show
  2. jacknjill

    Computer "Quirk" - any suggestions?

    Ohhh that could be it. It was on GMT -8:00 Pacific, so i changed it to GMT -5:00 Eastern. Thanks!!!
  3. jacknjill

    animal planet

    YES!!!! This show is awesome. It creeps me out big time. Have you seen the one where the girl is at sea alone and gets attacked by "something" -suspected to be an ancient marine dinosaur of some sort- and is never found?!
  4. jacknjill

    Computer "Quirk" - any suggestions?

    Every time i open my laptop back up the time in the corner is wrong. It will have the right minutes, but be off by a few hours. Is there anyway to fix this or is it just an annoying glitch?
  5. jacknjill

    How many times can you tolerate this video??

    yeah! all of them by the actual Boxxy girl. It says there was some kind of violation
  6. jacknjill

    How many times can you tolerate this video??

    guess what! youre saved! the video got removed from youtube!
  7. jacknjill

    State of emergency

    So NC finallllly gets a little bit of snow and we all go into a panic lol. School is closed everywhere for about an inch or two of snow. Raleigh got about 4 inches and the governor has declared a state of emergency. I bet all you northerners are laughing at us
  8. jacknjill

    Is this possible?

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 mrsa? yuck Yepppp. Exactly why you dont want it. staff infection
  9. jacknjill

    anyone going to the inauguration?

    I refuse to watch any inauguration coverage.
  10. jacknjill

    Is this possible?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo That's exactly what it is!! My hubby had one on his fore arm. I went to the doc with him cause I wanted to watch what came out and it was just like that! The doc packed it, for those reasons jacknjill, cause it boared down into the tissue! That guy having that on...
  11. jacknjill

    How many times can you tolerate this video??

    ah thats crazy. i could not deal with that. i was brave and looked at some of her other videos to see if they were all as bad...they are. i dont recommend trying that. i feel bad for you
  12. jacknjill

    Is this possible?

    thats what happens when you get mrsa. it tunnels wayyyy back into your skin. not a zit
  13. jacknjill

    First cars?

    My first car my parents bought me last year for my birthday when i turned 17. It was a 2006 Honda Civic. I love it, no wrecks so far besides backing into our trashcan *fingers crossed* I turn 18 saturday and will have had it for one year exactly!
  14. jacknjill

    My husband is about to kill poor Mickey

    Originally Posted by alyssia Is it possible to just have one? Checked the traps this morning , nothing so far. When i was 5 we had only one very little black mouse. We caught it in a trap and never saw one after that. Im 17 :)
  15. jacknjill

    bad name = no cake

    Theres a kid at my school named Brock ----. And another Rusty Russel. And a Julie Lee. Do parents not consider last names when naming their kids?
  16. jacknjill

    Cold night dogs need help!

    That is awesome!!!!! are they legal?
  17. jacknjill

    Cold night dogs need help!

    Originally Posted by zoie2 you can do both, too. My dogs are big and my house is small. During the day they go outside and when I do my barn animals at night, they come in. I also have a wallaby (miniature kangaroo, kinda). He stays outside all winter long with a giant rabbit, but if it is...
  18. jacknjill

    This **darn** site!!!

    i agree. the other day i was on here and my friend was sitting next to me and i started talking about oh she makes cakes and has a dog named rowland, he just had a baby, this guy has snakes etc etc, and i got the craziest look. i never realized how strange it must look that i know about the...
  19. jacknjill

    Finally bit the bullet....

    Originally Posted by Mimzy I like them!! I think glasses are teh awesome. just think of them as another fabulous accessory i agree! i have three pairs...and im eyeing another awesome pair. curse designer glasses!
  20. jacknjill

    safe for 9 mon baby,?? you decide

    how in the world that baby's arm is still i nthe socket after he swung him around by one arm in a circle up and down over his head 20 times is beyond me...