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  1. jdm_ae86

    how warm is your water?

    that 'purple' stuff looks like green star polyps..they sometimes take awhile to open up and adjust to a tank..did you change your temp yet?
  2. jdm_ae86

    how warm is your water?

    70? 0_0 thats pretty cold, but if they look like theyre doing fine then its ok..but thats more $ wasted on elec. bills..i keep my temp at 79. the mushrooms should be in direct light..what kinda lighting you got?
  3. jdm_ae86

    Good combination of MH lights?

    but if you do a combination like what i mentioned, youll have to have 2 mh lights on each side of your tank..
  4. jdm_ae86

    Good combination of MH lights?

    6,500K and 20,000K..i guarantee you would like how that looks..ill see if i can find a pic..
  5. jdm_ae86

    What is the BEST in sump PROTEIN SKIMMER

    Euroreef, AquaC,ASM, ETSS,MRC,Barr no particular order btw. some of these are downdraft skimmers, which ive heard are better than venturi.
  6. jdm_ae86

    55 gal tanks and there inhabitants

    best options are to.. -DIY a sump/fuge for a search on that. -buy a good skimmer! -unhook those airlines to the powerheads, youre probably getting a lot of salt creep.. -you can leave the magnum running, just in case you ever get a chiller, thatll be perfect to run it..
  7. jdm_ae86

    Are earthworms ok for feeding?

    theyre good source of protein, but i dont like feedin anything to my tank thats not marine..
  8. jdm_ae86

    for alkalinity, the higher the better, right?

    oops didnt mean to sound like ALL you need is what i mentioned, i was talking about the supplements, not the test kits in that post.
  9. jdm_ae86

    55 gal tanks and there inhabitants

    ug filter is short for undergravel filter.. if you take the pipes out, (it shouldve come with caps when you bought the ug system..if not then you should be able find replacements at your pet shop), so cap it up, and youre done.. so in other words take out the pipes, leave the ug plate. a plenum...
  10. jdm_ae86

    55 gal tanks and there inhabitants

    you could take out the riser pipes and cap up the ug filter and you got a plenum system right there.. what kinda lighting system you got?
  11. jdm_ae86

    seaclone protein skimmer

    do a search on here, people have posted mods you can do to a seaclone to make it more efficient..
  12. jdm_ae86

    for alkalinity, the higher the better, right?

    all youll need is the kalk, and a 2 part(calcium and alk) supplement, so once you get your levels to where it should be, start using the kalk to maintain the levels..any other elements youll get from regular water changes.
  13. jdm_ae86

    Questions for the Experts

    unless its an HQI(double ended bulbs) setup, thats too expensive..
  14. jdm_ae86

    alvepora?is it for me?

    better survival rate than Goniopora atleast..people have been speculating thatll itll do better in nutrient rich waters, which is what most of us dont have..
  15. jdm_ae86

    rio 2100 for coral?

    I would go with a few Seio M820's..
  16. jdm_ae86

    ID Please

    Can you get a closer pic of it?
  17. jdm_ae86

    Quick Question

    how many gallons is it?, i think you should try a DIY for this sump/fuge, much cheaper.. what kind of skimer is that?
  18. jdm_ae86

    car question

    Flush it out and go with the synthetic..did you do a tuneup lately?
  19. jdm_ae86

    Kole Tang... hum?

    Theyre constant feeders, which means constant doodoo:D, i had one and didnt like the just make sure you got good flow all around. itll do a good job in cleaning your glass too.. btw the 3 yellow tangs arent conflicting with eachother?