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  1. whaley355

    Red Sea Deco Art nano tank?

    wow. very nice. i went on their website and couldn't find anything related to small tanks.
  2. whaley355

    Dying Long Tentacle Anemone?

    our LT had very long tentacles when we first got him. now hes got white stuff coming out from where his tentacles are supposed to be. it looks almost like hes been flipped inside out. should we take him out?
  3. whaley355

    Red Sea Deco Art nano tank?

    Hey guys! I'm new to this forum and I wanted to ask if anyone knows about the "red sea nano tank 60"? I bought the tank today at a yard sale and I know it's a one gallon nano aquarium from the makers of red sea. I'm trying to find if anyone sells this anymore? Thanks.