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  1. playerdrm

    my 130G :)

    Minimum Suggested Tank Size: 300 gallons One of the first suggestions i found on a site "know for sure that the Emperor will have to be removed from that list...Tank is not nearly large enough for a fish that size." a reply someone recieved on if they could keep it in a 6ft 125g...
  2. playerdrm

    my 130G :)

    100g for an emperor is a bad suggestion most everyone I know feels 240 is pretty much min for an emperor angel pretty sure most of the popular forums consider this the standard to for a full grown emperor ive seen full grown nigers aroun 18" stocking on 125-130 is usually 2 large fish 10-12" 3...
  3. playerdrm

    my 130G :)

    Personally I would not add another fish with that many fish already in there. Also the Emperor and Niger are going to outgrow your tank.