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  1. bluewave

    brisltle worms

    any ideas on how to get rid of bristle worms got a few some small some big. thanks steve
  2. bluewave

    lighting question

    I have a 65 watt compact bulb that is a complete 4 tube design wondering if it is okay to use on reef tank specs are PLM 65 watt 6500k. thanks for any advice steve
  3. bluewave

    sump help

    hi everyone. does anybody have any idea's for DIY sump for a 20 gal tank i haven't seen any online here or i'm blind anyway any help would be great. this is for a reef only tank trying to build up just started 2 months ago. i am running a tom rapid filter right now, all seems to be well just...
  4. bluewave

    ID Please???

    just wondering are they beneficial to tank? and are they truly tube worms cause i am starting to get them all over side and back of tank. thanks steve