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  1. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by Hunt Im not sure what would be more expensive, buying a bunch of berghia nudibranchs or starting over. How many nudis do you think I would need to takle the problem and any idea of how much each costs? the issue would then be would the nudis be able to get to all of them...
  2. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by bmkj02 WOW!!!!! Thats going to take a while and a combination of many things to get that under control. I would says Joe's Juice (worked well for me) and water changes to starve them. Even though your readings are showing good it could because of soooo many aptasia...
  3. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    some more pics
  4. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    ok here are some pics of the problem:
  5. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    on another note, if i amgoing to turn down the system I think i will do a few upgrades to some of my equipment. One of which is the lighting system. I have read about the new LED lights and think that I might try them out. My question is would LED quantity: 119pcs x 1 Watt LED (71 White + 48...
  6. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by Hunt you could take the coral fragging putty stuff and put it over the aptasia and it will smother them out. I currently have the same problem in my tank and this seems to be working. I would practically have to cover the whole aquarium with it since the aptasia is all...
  7. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by Anjiro Tango gave you some good and effective options, also you can try a matted filefish. If I were you I would get a few peppermints a copperband and a matted filefish as all of these are pretty readily avaliable and its a pretty good size tank so it should be able to...
  8. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by WangoTango They live on the rock, so taking the rock out and rinsing out your tank with freshwater isn't going to do anything. If soaked your rock in fresh water yeah that'd kill them along with all the other organisms on the rock which I think is overly drastic. Make sure...
  9. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    I am reaching a point where I think that the only solution is to empty the tank of all corals, fish, live sand, and live rock and run the system on fresh water for a few days. Do you think that that would get rid of them??
  10. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    Originally Posted by meowzer Have you tried Joe's Juice?? yes!! and it seems that whenever I use Joe's Juice or any of the other medications, the aptasia disappears for a couple of days and then comes back with a vengance!! The problen now is that the aptasia is so wide spread that it is...
  11. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    By the way my system is a 350 gallon reef tank with a 50 gallon sump. It has been up and running for almost two years now with no problems. I have a collected some great specimens of fish and corals and would hate to lose them or leave the hobby. My water parameters are all where they should...
  12. raed yaghnam

    I need help

    I have a sever aptasia infestation. I have tried everything from Aptasia X, Aptasia Control, Copper Banded Butterfly, Pepermint Shrimp, etc... but nothing seems to work. I have reached a point where I am about to quit the hobby and dismantle the whole system unless I can get help ASAP. I...