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  1. dragonchic3


    Thanks! I have been doing some more reading and I think I want to try live rock also with the live sand.I have been reading and some ppl dont use skimmers when they use live rock with it too. why I am worried about buying a skimmer is a couple ppl I have talked to are having problems with theres...
  2. dragonchic3


    No messy eaters just clown fish and little fish like that
  3. dragonchic3


    Hi I am new here and I would like to start a FO and I was wondering do I really need a skimmer? All i here is people having trouble out of them.I do 20% water changes in all my tanks. All my tanks are 155's except for this new one I want to do the FO with and its a 135. I have all my tanks...