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  1. ctissot941

    How/What to feed anenomes

    how exactly do you feed them? My anenome is on a rock sideways, so I cant just drop food in his mouth. I tried squirting it in with a turkey baster, it worked, but it also made the anenome close up because of the water blast. plaese help.
  2. ctissot941

    How/What to feed anenomes

    Hello, I have a quick question. I recently bought a bubble tip anenome. It seems to be doing well, my tomato clown has taken well to him. I as just wondering what I am supposed to feed the anenome. My friend told me to use DT's Photoplankton, but then I hear people feed them shrimp directly to...
  3. ctissot941

    Additions to Crew?

    Hi, I have a 38 gallon tank with 20 blue leg hermits, and 10 large turbo snails. I'm looking for something to help clean the sand bed, and also something to help take care of algae? What do ya'll suggest? Also, what does the emerald hermit crab do? What's the difference between that and blue-leg...
  4. ctissot941

    CleanUp Crew Feeding?

    I have a 38 gal tank with about 50 lbs of live rock. I have 10 large turbo snails, and 20 blue leg hermits. Do I need to feed them anything, or will they do fine eating the algae and all the junk of the rock? Chris
  5. ctissot941

    Fish Tank Gone BAD!

    Thanks for your replys. What about the brown algae on the glass, it seems a little harder to get off than the green algae, and the brown algae on the live rock? Will that dissapear in time as well? thanks chris
  6. ctissot941

    Fish Tank Gone BAD!

    Hi, I hope ya'll can help me with my problem. I have a 38 gallon tank with a Marineland Emperor 280 Powerfilter, a Eihem Professional I Caniser filter, and a Marineland Powerhead. I have about 50 LBS of live rock, and a 2 inch layer live sand bed. I started my tank about Sep. 1st, and have been...
  7. ctissot941

    New to Corals

    I'm thinking of getting some Mushroom corals for my 38 gal. tank. My question is, besides good lighting and perhaps calcium suppliment, do I have to feed the Mushroom corals any type of food? Thanks, Chris
  8. ctissot941

    Eheim Canister Filter

    I recently purchased an Ehein Professional #224 canister filter. I have it hooked up and it seems to be running great. My question is, how do I know when to replace the media. It uses EHFISUBSTRAT and EHFIMECH...when do I change them? Thanks, Chris
  9. ctissot941

    Fish Diet?

    Does this look like a good flake food to feed fish such as clownfish? http://www.***********.com/md_viewIt...product=AZ0001
  10. ctissot941

    Beginner Fish Feeding Question

    My tank should be cycled very shortly. First I plan on introducing my cleaning crew, then I plan on getting a clownfish for my first. My question is on what food should the clownfish be feed? I see there is flake, pellet, frozen, etc. I do not want to overfeed my fish. If anyone could give me...
  11. ctissot941

    PowerHead Question

    What is the purpose of the Venturi Tube? Do you get the same amount of circulation not using it? How do I know whether or not I should use it? Thanks, Chris
  12. ctissot941

    Cleaning Crew for 38 Gallon Tank??

    Hi, I am about five days in on the cycling process. I have a 38 gallon tank with about 45LBS of LR, and 1.5 inch bed of LS right now. I am just wondering what kind of cleaning crew ya'll suggest for this size tank, and how many of each? Thanks, Chris
  13. ctissot941

    Pre-Cured LiveRock

    hey thanks brother. Yeah, my house was okay. I lost my lanai, that was about it. My mother-in-law lost most of her roof, she only has a tarp on now waiting for the roofers, and now a new hurricane =( Hopefully this bad boy goes away from us, I hate to wish bad things on other people, but we...
  14. ctissot941

    Pre-Cured LiveRock

    thanks for your reply, also, will putting the LR in a container kill a lot of the live stuff on it, or not because it is pre-cured? Because i will have to reintroduce it to a tank in a few days.
  15. ctissot941

    Pre-Cured LiveRock

    Hello, a few days ago I found a place online where I got a pretty good price on some live rock, and ordered it. Well, it arrived today, which I wasn't expecting, and my tank isn't ready for the rock yet. Can I put the LR in a container with salt water and a power head to keep it until my tank is...