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  1. blucees

    I need some Nano advice...

    Attachment 236134 Thanks for the post... I have added 12lbs of LR, it's been in the tank now about 5 days. Ammonia has gone up as expected 1.5 - 3.0 from .25 about a week ago. PH is 70, Nitrite is 0.1, KH is 11%, water temp steady at 80*. I'm now getting some brown algea growth in the sand, LR...
  2. blucees

    I need some Nano advice...

    I just recently purchased a JBJ 12gl Nano Cube with about 2lbs of LR and 3" of LS. This tank had been sitting for a few months without water in it with the exception of about 3" mixed in with the sand. I cleaned the LS until the water was clear,and cleaned the LR in salt water and reused both...