Search results

  1. wildbunch

    Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, ALL DEAD!! Help!

    Algae is starting to get to be a pain. Would like to get another cleaner package but my last one from has only 2 Astrea Snails left. 18 Astrea Snails, 25 Blue Legs, 20 Red legs, 2 green crabs, camel shrimp, 7 Turbo Snails are ALL DEAD! I purchased the biggest Red Hermit crab I...
  2. wildbunch

    Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, ALL DEAD!!! Help!

    Algae is starting to get to be a pain. Would like to get another cleaner package but my last one from has only 2 Astrea Snails left. 18 Astrea Snails, 25 Blue Legs, 20 Red legs, 2 green crabs, camel shrimp, 7 Turbo Snails are ALL DEAD! I purchased the biggest Red Hermit crab...
  3. wildbunch

    I want pictures!!!

    ****, I must be unedumacated! Obviously he would rather correct peoples grammer than post a picture. Lucky for me, my writing skills don't dictate how much food I can put on the table. Sounds like a pretentious Architect, who's thinks his ************** Such is life, there is...
  4. wildbunch

    I want pictures!!!

    I just read the "how much did you spend Post". I have know idea what kind of reef tanks/fo tanks with live rock that money will buy. I currently have about 45 lbs. of live rock. Adding slowly as the money allows. Thought about going reef but can't afford the lights, additives, corals, time...
  5. wildbunch

    I want pictures!!!

    How do I change the DPI? what program do you use?
  6. wildbunch

    I want pictures!!!

    I just read the "how much did you spend Post". I have know idea what kind of reef tanks/fo tanks with live rock that money will buy. I currently have about 45 lbs. of live rock. Adding slowly as the money allows. Thought about going reef but can't afford the lights, additives, corals...
  7. wildbunch

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    I have spent near 2000 in the last 2 years. 175 Gallon Tank, with stand, sump, lights--650 (only 1 year old when bought used) New lights bulbs=90 New Skimmer w/ pump=180 UV w/ pump=180 40 lbs. live rock=200 Dead fish--400+ (stocked them too fast, didn't learn compatablity) Changed my 50 Gallon...
  8. wildbunch

    Who is eating my Crabs and Snails?

    Nitrite's = 0 ; Nitrate = 60; Ammonia=0; Salt= ok; PH=ok I just found one of the crabs in there that I bought 2 weeks ago, so I have one left.
  9. wildbunch

    Emperor & BiColor Angels together?

    I just put a Bi-Color Angel in with my Large Juv. Emperor 4". The Emperor is the dominant fish in the tank. 175 Gallon Fish only. Other inhabitants are 5 damsels, 8" Naso Tang, cinamon clown. The Emperor is seriously going after the Bi-Color. I thought that large angelfish are compatable...
  10. wildbunch

    Who is eating my Crabs and Snails?

    The Crab is out of his shell in the corner, Dead. I have no idea why Crabs / starfish won't make it in my tank.
  11. wildbunch

    Orange Shoulder Tang

    Does anyone have experience with this fish? I was wanting a Tang that would change appearance as it got older. I currently have a 8" Naso Tang in my 175 Gallon tank. Do you think they would get along if I added an Orange Shoulder tang? Other tank Inhabitants: Juv. Emporer Angel, Cinnamon...
  12. wildbunch

    Who is eating my Crabs and Snails?

    The fish I have are: Juv. Emporer Angel; large Naso; ciniamon Clown; 4 damsels. I used to have an snowflake in the tank, but removed him because I thought he was the one who was taking everything out. I just recently purchased a fairly large green hermit crab. Haven' t seen him for weeks...
  13. wildbunch

    How do I anchor my Anenome?

    I just bought a long tenticalled anenome. My current in my tank is too strong, approx. 10 water changes per hour on a 175 Gallon tank. The anenome always seems to be getting blown across the sand. Can I anchor this with super glue? Basically I can't look at the anenome because he gets blown...
  14. wildbunch

    Rio Pumps Suck!

    Don't make the mistake and buy a RIO Pump. I have bought 4 of these pumps in the last year. Three of the four pumps have gone bad. Both 2500's have an electrical problem and will shock you if you put your hand on them when running. Even worse when you touch the water with them running. No need...
  15. wildbunch

    Rio Pumps Suck!!

    Don't make the mistake and buy a RIO Pump. I have bought 4 of these pumps in the last year. Three of the four pumps have gone bad. Both 2500's have an electrical problem and will shock you if you put your hand on them when running. Even worse when you touch the water with them running. No...
  16. wildbunch

    Calcium & Iodine, hurt fish?

    Will adding calcium and Iodine to quickly hurt fish? I have a 175 gallon tank with a leather and 35 lbs. of live rock. I add turbo calcium (3 heaping tablespoons) every week, plus 2 tablespoons of iodine. Both from Kent Marine. I don't want to hurt my juv. emporer, naso tang, or kole...
  17. wildbunch

    Should I?? Big decision!

    Thanks, for your suggestions. I bought the Angel, doing great. Not bothering the Corals. Not bothering the Feather Dusters, Mushroom, Toadstool Leather, Candilactus Anenome's. Time will tell.
  18. wildbunch


    How do I put this skimmer in the sump? I have a 50 gal. tank, and only have 19" of height under cabinet in sump. Can I mount the prizm on the side of the sump? Has anyone modified this skimmer for sump operation? Any info would be awesome. Thanks
  19. wildbunch

    stupid question

    That is an amazing tank. What fish do you have besides the sailfin tang? I have a 175 Gallon. How much were the all the corals? I noticed that you had a lot of leathers.
  20. wildbunch

    Should I?? Big decision!

    I need to decide whether or not to add a 4" Juv. Imperator Angel to my 175 Gallon Fish & Partial Reef Tank? The tank has been set up for more than a year. I have the following in the tank. UV, Berlin, Wet Dry. 7" Naso, 3" Kole, 3" Clark Clown, 4 damsels, snowflake eel. Toadstool leather, 2...