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  1. huskernwy


    Thanks, I did not know that about the peppermints. I just like the color of the skunk cleaner.
  2. huskernwy


    Are there any compatibility issues with having a peppermint and a cleaner shrimp in the same tank? Any help will be appreciated!
  3. huskernwy

    Something on my live rock...

    Good Luck:happy:
  4. huskernwy

    Something on my live rock...

    Joes Juice worked for me. Not so good of luck with boiling water. Also put a pepp shrimp in the tank on Monday and it took care of the rest of the tiny ones that I could not get to. Sure sounds like Aiptasia to me!
  5. huskernwy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    I have read that people have had sucess with lemon juice, but I did not try it. I tried injecting them with boiling hot water and killed one, then did a search on the net for Joes Juice and ordered some of that. Like I said eariler it took care of them within seconds. I am not sure what is in...
  6. huskernwy

    Merry 6-Pack

    Great looking tank Bigarn!!!
  7. huskernwy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    Added the clean up crew on Monday. Also added a pepp shrimp. There were a few small Aiptasia left in the tank that I could not get to. The pepp took care of all the little ones that I could see. Must of been lucky!!
  8. huskernwy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    Joes Juice really works good. Within seconds the aptasia shrinks up and is gone. Stuff worked for me.
  9. huskernwy

    Explain where your user name originated

    Husker Fan living in Wyoming!
  10. huskernwy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    Thanks bigarn! I will give the stuff a try.
  11. huskernwy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    I have a 16gal bowfront that I am going to make a LRWFO tanks that has been set up for about a week now. I bought the setup from a guy in the paper and it was still set up, so the live rock was already cured and in the tank. This is my first tank with liverock in it, pretty neat I think. Not...