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  1. clowninaround

    Can't Get Rid Of Ammonia

    While I appreciate you answering Thomas, as per my first post I have a Fluval 304 canister filter and live sand. The tank has been established for 2 years. My water source is tap, filtered through a deionization filter. I also read a post about aged SW. I don't wait. I mix, test and pour...
  2. clowninaround

    Can't Get Rid Of Ammonia

    The test kit I have is the Wardley master kit and the ammo was 5.0 and then you have to multiply that by .0998(ph=8.2, temp=82). The 5.0 is as high as it will test so it must be off the charts. My shrimp and snails died last night. Now I don't know if it's from what killed my fish or the "Ich...
  3. clowninaround

    Can't Get Rid Of Ammonia

    Well, they're all dead. I quit! You think that it's or was overstocked? I may have overfed, however I fed them once every other day and they would finish everything I gave them. Could it have been the original fish's death that caused this since I never did find him to remove him? I really...
  4. clowninaround

    Can't Get Rid Of Ammonia

    I have a 55g SWFO w/LS no LR. Bak Pak Skimmer, Fluval Canister Filter. My perameters were all PERFECT up until now. I noticed a missing fish. Checked the water, and the ammonia was .5 and the nitrates over 50ppm.:eek: So I did a 30% water change, but the damage was done. I've lost 5 fish...