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  1. rkrasnos

    Aquapod customer service?

  2. rkrasnos

    Aquapod customer service?

    Anyone know the number for Aquapod customer service. Thanks in advance
  3. rkrasnos

    nano tank help

  4. rkrasnos

    nano tank help

    Hey guys and girls LMK if you can help me out. I just bought a 9 gallon odyssea nano tank. iT WAS A little beat up but i've shined it up and looks preety good. i had to rush because the guy I bought from gave me some livestock as well. Anyway. I have ordered a new bulb ,24 watt. But the plastic...
  5. rkrasnos

    Nanotank question

  6. rkrasnos

    Nanotank question

    I am new to the Nano world but am absolutely loving it. The water changes are awesome. Anyway, I bought some Kent's Nano part A and B. I have asked 5 different LFS and all tell me different frequencies for dosing some say daily, some say every other day , some say 2 times a week, and some say I...
  7. rkrasnos

    WTB starter corals in Pensacola FL

    I have the standard 14 Biocube. (2) 26 watts. I am just starting out in the nano world. I have had big tanks in the past. I cant believe how expensive mushrooms have gotten. Anyway LMK
  8. rkrasnos

    Nanotank Question

    What is everyone's opinion on taking the bioballs out of the biocube/nano's. I see some LFS with and some without.
  9. rkrasnos

    WTB starter corals in Pensacola FL

    Anyone local with some good frags for a Biocube. Also looking for a clam