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  1. T

    Starting over tank for many year

    No airborne anything -- the room is pretty stark and doesn't have carpeting. I buy at the local fish store. I wonder if I should try ordering online. Any recommendations for online shops?
  2. T

    Starting over tank for many year

    No. RO filtered water
  3. T

    Starting over tank for many year

    So, how do I know if there is a disease in there?
  4. T

    Starting over tank for many year

    I didn't quarantine them. Although, honestly, most of time I was putting fish into a tank with no fish. For future reference, how would I quarantine them? And for how long?
  5. T

    Starting over tank for many year

    I have had a 125 gallon tank for many years. A lot of rock and a sand base. I've been working a lot to clean it up and am ready to fill it with fish. I have a lot of snails, hermit crabs, a Queen conch and a cowrie snail. My setup includes a 30 gallon refugium. When I test the water, it is...