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  1. mcguiver

    scratching mystery

    Hi everyone, I have a harlequin tuskfish who, fore the last two weeks, has been scratching his gill and nose area against the tank wall's. He only scratches a couple of times a day usualy in the morning, and his condition does not appear to be getting worse. I am getting concerned becouse I can...
  2. mcguiver

    Injured Porcupine puffer

    Hello everyone, the most recent adition to my 150 gal tank is a Porcupine puffer fish. Unfortunatly during its first night in his new home one of the intake gaurds on my filter became disloged and the puffer was sucked up against the intake. when I discovered the little guy two houres later he...
  3. mcguiver

    injured Porcupine puffer

    Hello everyone, the most recent adition to my 150 gal tank was a three inch porcupine puffer. unfortunatly during its first night in its new home one of the filter intake guards was dislodged and the puffer got sucked against the intake. By the time I became aware of the problem and dislodged...