Originally Posted by florida joe
Boy do I also hate it when we take fish out of the ocean and put them in a little holding area for our pleasure and they refuse to act like we demand, whats their problem anyway ?
Originally Posted by saltwatersubie
He is alive!! And yes I do have a fuge and I will also be buying extra pods to make sure he is getting enough food.
ha to funny
one other think you might wanna look into for water storage is the big horse troffs that some people use as sumps. if u have the room in your garage or in the house somewhere... just make a foam cover over the top of it to cut down on the heater kickin on if u put it in the garage... couple...
my tank goes inbetween 75 and 80 sometimes. the trick to loosing the 85 degrees is fans fans and more fans... just make sure u have a ATO in place cause the evap rate is going to be insane... i go through 5 gallons of water every 4 days on my 50 gallon. open your canopy if it has doors, point...
it has to either be one of three things. Your rodi water, your trash can, or your salt... i would toss the water and the trash can and get a brute trash can... not only is it tough and can hold your water for WC's but you can also ice down kegs real nice!!
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
now the pics
you better pray that the power does not go out... you could have all that water back syphoned into the sump that appears cant hold any more water than whats in it...unless i missed the post where you drilled a syphon break in the PVC somewhere? just...
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Google "chemistry and the aquarium" Great easy to follow article about everything you need to know.
i checked out this article, and skimmed through it. seems like a real good resource to have. cant wait to sit down and study it
its blocked at work...
Originally Posted by ifirefight
2nd, if you are dosing alk and cal togther (at the same time) they will cancel each other out. You must wait in between. I dose one then wait an hour or 2 then add the other.
really? i never knew that either... so I go home for lunch at noon dose 50 ml of cal...
Originally Posted by 9supratt4
If your Mag is low, the alk & cal will not be able to be raised to where you want it.
HAAA HAAAA I completely forgot about mag... man... i just gave a small lecture to a fellow reefer about it to... im gonna go measure it when i get home today. so why do you...
Chemistry question. I have been faithfully dosing the tank for about a 5 days now and when I started dosing the tank was at 400 ppm of cal and 2.0 mel/q for alk. The tank is a 50 gallon tank with a 20 gallon fuge. It’s a SPS frag dominated tank it has about 13 frags of Arcos, Stags and Montis...
Ok first of all the 3 MOST IMPROTANT levels are alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium. All 3 all play a very important role in growth and color of any coral, period, but particularly SPS. Here is a post that simplifies the Cal, Alk and Mag...