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  1. donna_jone

    Jebo protein skimmer

    I just bought a Jebo protein skimmer model 182II unfortunately I didn't receive any instructions with it only one little picture as to how it looks installed. That is not enough information for me. Does anyone know where I can find instructions for this or if anyone could email me a copy of...
  2. donna_jone

    bristle worms

    Since I am new to the marine aquarium scene I have read a lot about bristle worms, good & bad. These are the ones that are in my tank. Are they good or bad??? They are red at each end & dark in the middle. :notsure:
  3. donna_jone

    Parasite anemones

    I finally figured it out. Here are the pics of those anemones.
  4. donna_jone

    Parasite anemones

    I wish I could send you pics, but I don't know how. I have taken pics, but when I try to use the manage attachments it says that the file is too big.
  5. donna_jone

    Parasite anemones

    I recently bought a large tank and am still learning a lot. Recently I have been watching what my lfs says is a parasite anemones. It almost looks like a featherduster but is orange in color and the "stem" is kind of transparent. It moves around to where it wants to be & more are springing...
  6. donna_jone

    what makes a starfish have six legs????

    I recently got a tank that my boyfriend had about 5 years ago it is about 350 gallons. At the time he had a starfish, not sure what kind, that died shortly before he sold it. Now we have a "ton" of tiny starfish all gray & white & all with 6 legs. We decided to just let them grow & see what...