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  1. highrise

    Brittle stars???!!!

    Hey guys, Just a quick question for anyone who can answer. My reference resources are quite limited. I have found some freeloaders on my live rock. Several brittlestars. Most have blue/white legs. But one troubles me, it has large blood red legs. Are the red ones carnivorous? Also does...
  2. highrise

    fresh seawater for changes

    I live in Pensacola FL and am about a 5 min walk from the Gulf of Mexico. I have been entertaining the idea of using some of the ocean water ( collected at chest deep) to perform weekly water changes in my tank. I know there is the possibility of parasitic introduction to the tank, but...
  3. highrise

    Green Bubble Algae, Please Help!

    I have a 35 gal tank with live rock. No fish just a some different types of snails and some hermit crabs. Algae control is awesome but I am starting to develop a problem with the daggon green bubble algae. Does anyone know of any critters that might make a meal out of those things? A fish or...