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  1. tanglover

    My corals

    I have about a 4" inch maybe 5" DSB already but no refugium (dont know really how to do one with the space I am limited to.)I do have a phosphate kit and it read about 1 which was a little dark blue.
  2. tanglover

    My corals

    well the MH was on clearance and only 1 was left by the time I got there and I was hesitant. how do i test phosphates,and alkalinty.nitrates was about 40 before I did a water change on saturday and put new nitrate sponge in the sump.
  3. tanglover

    My corals

    I am wanting my leathers and mushrooms to GROW what do you all suggest, and be able to thrive for me to buy a bigger tang for the corals (since they have grown). 125gal 250+ lr,ls 2 power compacts and 1 5500K/400w metal halide prism with the compact light in the fixture, feeding DT's...