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  1. pepi

    parasite problem

    No Beth none of my fish have ICH. But the little white bugs or whatever they are seem to be gone now. I dont know how but there practically are no more in my tank. Thanks for trying to help out though. Now I'm just trying to find a couple of percula clowns to put in my tank but my pet shop...
  2. pepi

    parasite problem

    Hi Beth, they are about the size of a grain of sand from the beach. They are white and not transparent. I cant tell if they are flat. I do have Live Rock in my tank as well as caulerpa. There seems to be less now than when I first noticed them but I'm still perplexed as to what they are...
  3. pepi

    parasite problem

    I have a 12 gal. nano cube reef tank. The ph and sg levels are perfect as well as the water circulation. Here is my problem a couple of days ago I noticed tiny white parasite looking things crawling around on the live sand and on the tank glass and also floating around. My purple pseudo fish...