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  1. saltwatert

    anemone help

    i have a anemone ( for the life of me i can't recall the name ) but anyways he has basically turned inside out with his looks like stomach out . does that mean he is dead or what ? please help
  2. saltwatert


    thank you i just had a small baby till he got big i was gonna get rid of him he was of great to watch ... i wanted something different to try
  3. saltwatert


    I don't see much information on Flounders so i was wondering i had purchased one have had him about a week and was not told of any specials needs when i bought him can anyone point me in the right direction or let me know if there was something special i was supposed to do .. i know it was...
  4. saltwatert

    clownfish help please

    thank you i will try that
  5. saltwatert

    clownfish help please

    I got a false clown last night and he has white spots on him i assume it is ich .. can someone help me treat him the easiest and quickest way please help never had this problem thank you :help: