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  1. galabon

    Too Many Starfish

    Thanks for your reply, Removing them with a needle is not practical. Yesterday morning I stopped counting at 400 on the front glass alone. Some of them are just a little bigger then the tip of the needle and they are all over the tank, and rocks. Because they live in the sand, they were eating...
  2. galabon

    Too Many Starfish

    My 72 gal reef tank is infested with Asternia Star Fish!! When it started it was only a few, and I was told that they sift the sand. Now it is out of control and they are covering the glass, and they are very small. I have been reading that a possible solution is a Harlequin Shrimp. Has anyone...
  3. galabon

    Fish Food

    Does anyone have a good receipe for a gelatin base fish food, that they would like to share? I have a 72 gal BF reef tank with some fish, and lots of mixed corals. I did make it years ago, but I lost the receipe, that worked very well, and I have been out of the hobby for about 15 years At that...