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  1. d0ch0liday

    FS: 10 Inch Queen Trigger

    hey would you possibliy trade.... if you are looking for some nice corals...i got elegants..zooes brain..rhicordia's...ect ect ill trade for the trigger i live in tampa but i would be willing to ship if you are....never mind i just read the previous post
  2. d0ch0liday

    FS 75g glass Tank / Stand in South FL

    hey are u willing to part with the uv?
  3. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    sorry guys it has taken so long for me to return this post i have been extremely busy, here let me update everyone.....the moraydid not have a pin fish stuck in him. when i went back the next day to do the procedeure there was no lump and when i held open his mouth no fish in his...
  4. d0ch0liday

    Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......

    look i am %100 postive it is lockjaw......he can not open his mouth......i can go with ghost shrimp but it has to be somthing small far as garlic and meta flix i already do i am with you on that, but as far as eating brine and ghost shrimp are the only things i can find that...
  5. d0ch0liday

    Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......

    what i am saying is he can not open his mouth right now i never feed my lion brine but just to get him to eat while is jaw is merked i do not think it is a bad see what i am saying
  6. d0ch0liday

    Cool New Trigger

    ithink what fixxed can believe is that you dont know that feeding gold fish to a trigger is very bad for its will shorten its life span....and feeding it 4 a day is extremely bad........since i believe you genuinely did not suggestion is scrapp the brine go with...
  7. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    oh i am not affraid....of the eel i just do not want him to slice my hand open but i have been bit b y a tessa and a green moray moultiple times whats the worst that can happen right :scared:
  8. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    alright thanks for all the help and ill keep evryone posted and ill try to get better pics of the eel when i "hopefully" fix him :hilarious
  9. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    on keeping the morays jaw open dme what do u suggest........oh and as far as the moray is doing right now i have no clue it is apollo beach and i am in tampaso it about a 30 min drive the best i can do is checkin in the morning....what does every one thing sbout pushing it in like aw2...
  10. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    sorry it took so long to respond...but the eel is not mine it is a friends and i know as much as i have said ill try to answer your questions though dme. from my understanding dme the eel was in excellent shape untill it ate the pin fish...there are also punctures where the lump is under his...
  11. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    i know it looks bad.....but this eels a fighter.....most are you know
  12. d0ch0liday

    sick stuck in throat?

    i think this eel is a purple mouth moray not a 100% on the identification..... but he is a friend of mines eel and he has a strange malady. well here is the story the people that own this eel recieved him in good health and was very lively. so figuring he was hungry they threw in some...
  13. d0ch0liday

    Equipment for sale!!!

    i am looking for a protien skimmer still have any? :notsure:
  14. d0ch0liday

    PC - Power Compact Lighting For Sale

    how much do you want for the 110 :jumping:
  15. d0ch0liday

    Wtb:uv sterilizer

    hey i was wondering if any one has a uv sterilizer out between 8 watts and above that they are willing to trade for or sell.....if any one does let me know
  16. d0ch0liday

    Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......

    brine will keep him live long enough for his jaw to reset......if he does not eat he will screw nutrional value......right?
  17. d0ch0liday

    Tess eel questions

    i am not saying they can not see...some can see better then others......but eels in general are not known for there keen ability of sight lol
  18. d0ch0liday

    Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......

    oh he has been eating brine....he opens his mouth just enought to eat brine
  19. d0ch0liday

    Tess eel questions

    eels have a hard time seeing them..........they are also extremely fast (like you said) and eels are oportunistic so they usually do not waste much energy....but in captivity its always different
  20. d0ch0liday

    Hey Lion crazz ....quick question.......

    mine has lockjaw right now......and he still goes after anything......i mean anything