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  1. madriffs


    Thanks. My clown actually did bring a piece of food to the anemone so that was cool. I have power compacts in a 55 and lfs said that should be fine for bta. Everything is going well as of now, just gonna continue to watch it and look for unusual changes.
  2. madriffs


    Just got my first anemone, a green bubble tip. It found a home in less than two hours and when I woke up this morning my clarkii clown was already hosting. How awesome? Anyways I was wondering if it is common for them to bring food to the anemone? Mine doesn't seem to be yet although it does...
  3. madriffs

    How long should my lights be on for?

    Yes don't drastrically change the daylight cycle. The blue lights u are using to mimick sunrise and sunset are te blue actnic lights. Unless the moon lights are on ur lighting fixture u probably don't have them but should be able to pick them up at ur LFS or order them online. I would get a...