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  1. criss

    Can someone please help me??

    ok I have been having an alge problem for awhile. First it was brown on the sand, then it turned to a redish film over the sand. I have a wet/dry, metal halide, skimmer and my tank is 92gallons. i personally think i do not have enough power heads. i only have one. Also, i have a rock with a...
  2. criss

    anenome help please

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my anenome? It seems bleached. All tests are fine. I moved it higher up to the light. It has been like this for over a week now.
  3. criss

    Tang w/black brown spots

    Yes I have 2 clowns, manderine and goby. My angel died yesterday but had no signs of any spots.
  4. criss

    Tang w/black brown spots

    Thanks so much for the info. He is doing much better since the freshwater dip but still has alot of spots. Should I still continue the dips? If so, how many? Will it effect the rest of my tank? I have many corals.
  5. criss

    Tang w/black brown spots

    Please help!!! My Tang developed alot of brown and black spots all over its body. He wasn't acting right so I did a freshwater dip and he seems to be swimming alot better and eating now. He is doing much better but still has alot of spots. Has anyone else come across this??
  6. criss

    plz help my xenia is about to die w? pic

    Check your iodine and copper. I had the same problem
  7. criss

    clown species

    I am new to the forum and would like to know if anyone can answer for if if I can put different species of clowns in my 92 gallon tank?